Year 2 Writing – ‘Gorilla’

In Year 2 this half term we have been writing a story based on the book ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne in our writing lessons. The children have changed the characters from the story and invented their own. The children have also changed where the characters go in the story. The children have been focusing on writing in the past tense and using verbs and adverbs in their writing. Well done year two!

Y5 Writing

This half term in Year 5 we have been using the text ‘Who let the gods out’ to inspire our young writers. Children have taken on the role of reporters, writing their own articles about the escape of Thanatos – Daemon of Death.

We look forward to sharing these with you once completed.

Safety in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have learned about safety. We learned about internet safety, road safety and fire safety. Then, this afternoon, we learned about how we stay safe when undergoing science experiments.

Ancient Greece Launch

To launch our new history topic Y5 cooked up a storm. They made Melomakarona, Chicken Yiro wraps with Tzatziki, Ancient Greek pancakes (these did not go so well) and a Greek salad.

We came together to celebrate and share in the feast that was lovingly prepared. It was all very delicious and not even a lettuce leaf was left at the end!

Book Week in Year 4

This week, we enjoyed lots of reading activities to celebrate World Book Day. We read with our Year 1 buddies, heard stories from teachers, dressed as our favourite book characters and did a book swap!

Fractions, fractions and more fractions

Y5 ended Spring 1 with a fully immersive week on ‘What is a fraction?’ and have continued that theme into Spring 2.

We started our new topic with a chocolate challenge to see if children could figure out where to sit to ensure they got the most chocolate. We created pizzas from menus that showed the ingredient amounts in fractions – of course we ate them as we are not a wasteful year group. We went outside and created fraction walls and fraction models out of what we could find and we designed posters to celebrate what we have learnt.

We have created stories about ninja children stealing fraction amounts from Mrs Pascoe’s secret cake stash (perhaps not so secret anymore) and have chopped up numerous fruits to demonstrate that fractions are equal parts of a whole.

The children have really embraced the topic and have made amazing progress in such a short amount of time. We look forward to delving deeper this term.

Read Aloud Day

Today we shared books with our class buddies. It was lovely to hear the children reading aloud and discussing books. The Y5 children took their mentoring roles seriously and were questioning their buddies to ensure understanding. We even had some acting as a Y5 student demonstrated what it meant to stroll through the rainforest as an elephant.

States of Matter in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been learning about states of matter in Science. We learned about solids, liquids and gases and undertook an experiment to learn more. We put raisins into a cup of lemonade and found that the raisins floated to the top. We discovered that the gas particles in the lemonade allowed them to do this.

We have also been learning about Aztecs and we started the week with an Aztec day. We even had a visitor (Ms Taylor) who told us about an Aztec prophecy.

Finally, we celebrated 22.02.22 on Tuesday with Times Table Twosday! We all dressed as rockstars and joined a competition on Times Table Rockstars!

Y5 Math Competition

Boys from Year 5 bravely represented Queen’s Hill Primary School at a recent mathematics competition. They worked in pairs, completing 6 different activities in 8 minute blocks. They didn’t crumble under the pressure, they stood tall and managed to get a top ten place, which out of 34 was a significant achievement.

We were so proud of the boys we stopped off for ice cream to celebrate.