Year 3 looked at natural and artificial light sources today. They investigated what happened to shadows of different objects as they moved closer and further away. They were able to think and work scientifically and made some great predictions!

Year 3 looked at natural and artificial light sources today. They investigated what happened to shadows of different objects as they moved closer and further away. They were able to think and work scientifically and made some great predictions!
Year 3 explored construction today ahead of making shadow puppets as part of their science unit ‘light’.
They worked hard in groups and showed fantastic grit and determination to make these stages out of cereal boxes!
We can’t wait to watch their shows!
In our science lesson this week year four were investigating the melting point of butter, chocolate and cheese. We used hot water and foil cake cases to do this safely, making careful observations over time. We then used these observations to help us draw a conclusion.
Year 4 finished the term by designing and building Iron Man faces with electronic glow in the dark eyes. They had to wire up the LED bulbs with batteries and switches using all of their knowledge about electrical circuits taught this term. We were very impressed with the final outcomes.
This week in Reception we explored the Polar Regions. We learnt about which animals live in the North or South pole and what it is like there. We spent the week playing with polar region toys, creating artwork and we watched our teachers do an experiment with string, ice and salt!
In their learning about the circulatory system, Year 6 have been investigating the effect of exercise on their heart rate. They began by using pulse oximeters to measure their resting heart rate and then took their pulse after first walking, then jogging and then sprinting. Children then drew conclusions based on their results to see if their predictions were correct and presented their findings in a bar chart. To further develop their investigation, children conducted a second experiment to compare the change in their heart rate after holding various stationary positions. It was great to see everyone’s keen curiosity and teamwork!
Year four are studying the science of electricity this half term. We began by looking at and comparing appliances that use mains power and batteries. This week we built simple series circuits in order to test whether different materials were conductors or insulators. By the end of term we hope to have designed, built and wired up a light up, interactive Iron Man inspired by the Ted Hughes book we have been studying in English.
Our topic in Reception is ‘All Around the World’ and each week we will be learning about a different geographical feature. This week learnt about volcanoes. The children took part in an experiment where they mixed together washing up liquid, vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to make a chemical reaction to look like an erupting volcano. We learnt about where some volcanoes are in the world and we made some art inspired by
In Reception we have been looking at floating and sinking. The children learnt about what it means for objects to float or sink, made predictions and then did an experiment using the water trays to see which objects floated or sank.
In Year 2 the children have been investigating materials. After looking at the different properties materials have, they designed and made a kite using the materials they thought would be the most suitable. This afternoon they tested their kites to see if their ideas were correct!