Crucial Crew

Year 6 had the chance to learn vital skills through the ‘Crucial Crew’ safety programme during their visit to The Space today. They had workshops from partners including: Norfolk Constabulary, Road Safety, RNLI, St Johns Ambulance and HM Coast Guard. Children found out about staying safe in a fun and interactive way so they feel confident to recognise hazards and know how to safely respond. We were very proud of how engaged children were throughout the sessions.

Thorpe Park!

Year 6 had a great time at Thorpe Park for their very well-deserved end of SATS treat! The children were so excited and were fearless going on some very thrilling rides. We were so proud of how they represented the school too.

Year 6 Careers Fair

Yesterday we welcomed visitors from a range of companies to help host our annual careers fair. Year 6 pupils got to ask questions to different professionals including: a nurse, a midwife and an engineer, to name but a few! Thank you so much to everyone who gave up their time to help our pupils find out more about future career options.

Year 3 Egyptian Trip

Year 3 went on a brilliant trip to Norwich Castle this week. They consolidated and deepened their learning on the Ancient Egyptians.

All children represented the school well and were safe, ready and respectful. The Year 3 team were very proud of everyone!

Year 6 Time & Tide Museum Trip

Year 6 had a great time visiting the Time and Tide Museum to round off their topic work on World War Two. They travelled back in time to 1941 when Great Yarmouth was in the thick of the action as a ‘front line town’. They Discovered how the war affected people on the home front and met an ARP warden where they experienced an air raid and quickly had to get into a Morrison shelter. They learnt how to make-do-and-mend with a 1940s housewife and took a look in her home. They visited a shopkeeper who had the children rationing food and even making and trying powdered mayonnaise and carrot sandwiches. And to top it all off, they had bayonet training with a Home Guard soldier. We were so impressed by their curiosity, knowledge and how well they represented QH. Take a look at how brilliant their evacuee costumes were too!

Y5 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Some of  us in Year 5 had the opportunity to visit OVA to watch the dress rehearsal for their Christmas production of ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!’. We all were wowed by the amazing acting and dancing skills of the cast and were astounded when the car actually flew! When we got back to school, we sang our own rendition of the song to the office staff! Thank you to OVA for inviting us.

Year 3 Cathedral Trip

Year 3 enjoyed learning all about advent at Norwich Cathedral this week.

They were able to hear the Christmas story as well as complete craft activities!

Thank you for having us!

Making Musicians!

Some KS2 pupils went with Miss Peek and Miss Forrest to Norwich Cathedral for a music recital this afternoon.

They were able to enjoy a short concert featuring piano, french horn and violin. The children heard a range of music and were even able to ask questions.

Thank you to Norwich School for hosting.

Rotary Club Dictionaries

Year 3 were presented with dictionaries today from the Rotary Club in their year group assembly. The children are able to take these home to support their learning.

We would like to thank the generosity of the Rotary Club. We can’t wait to see how the children use them!