F1 Jaguar Club

The three teams have been working each week after school preparing for the F1 Jaguar reginal finals. The children had to design, make, assemble, test and race their cars at the reginal heats. They also had to prepare a presentation about their work. In order to gain sponsorship the children wrote to local businesses and were then able to buy their own merchandise with their very own logo’s on.

All three teams did exceptionally well. Winning awards across all categories. Two of our teams were extremely successful and are heading to the National championships in Leeds!

Year 3 History Trip

We had an amazing day at Norwich Castle learning and consolidating our knowledge about Ancient Egypt.

We got to look at what life was like in Egypt, explore real artefacts, look at a sarcophagus, create Egyptian jewellery and think about the question ‘should artefacts remain in the tombs or be taken out to study?’

Well done to Year 3 who showed they were safe, ready and respectful and thank you to Norwich Castle for being fantastic hosts.

Science Assembly

Today we had a visit from Mad Scientist, Dr D.N.A. who talked to us about various inventors and different types of forces. We watched and took part in air pressure experiments using a Bernoulli balloon. We blew up a balloon with only one puff! We also watched as Dr. D.N.A controlled a huge inflatable football in the air with her industrial ‘hair dryer’! We ended our science show by learning about static electricity. We used a Van de Graaff generator to create static energy. We even managed to create sparks and pass on static electricity from one person to another!

Police visit to Reception

On Wednesday, we were delighted to invite PC Taylor in to talk to the children about his role as a policeman. He explained about that, in an emergency, you can call the police using 999. He then gave them a virtual tour of a police van and explained that when the sirens are on, police cars and vans are allowed to go through red lights and on the other side of the road. He then ‘arrested’ Miss Briggs! The children were really interested in the the police service and asked him lots of wonderful questions.

The children then had the opportunity to try on some of the police uniform, which they all loved. A huge THANK YOU to PC Taylor for such a fun and informative visit.

Y4 Cathedral and Mosque Trip

This week, Year 4 visited Norwich Cathedral where they learnt about some important features of Christianity and the building of the Cathedral. 

We also visited the mosque on Rose Lane where they learnt about the Five Pillars of Islam. The children asked many thoughtful questions about Muslim beliefs. 

In addition to this, we spent time with Edith Cavell who told us all about her life and how she became a nurse, helping injured soldiers. We then visited her grave which is located at Norwich Cathedral.

It was a very busy but enjoyable day!