The Polar Regions

This week in Reception we explored the Polar Regions. We learnt about which animals live in the North or South pole and what it is like there. We spent the week playing with polar region toys, creating artwork and we watched our teachers do an experiment with string, ice and salt!

Lunar New Year

This week in Reception we have been learning about the celebration of ‘Lunar New Year’. We learnt about what foods people eat to celebrate and how they decorate using colourful decorations- we even made our own Chinese Lantern. Children explored different resources and really enjoyed learning about this celebration!


Last week Reception travelled to another destination- the ocean. We learnt about the different oceans in the world and how the temperature of the ocean changes depending on where it is. We learnt about the creatures you can find in and next to the ocean. Children enjoyed exploring the water trays and creating some ocean themed artwork.


Our topic in Reception is ‘All Around the World’ and each week we will be learning about a different geographical feature. This week learnt about volcanoes. The children took part in an experiment where they mixed together washing up liquid, vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to make a chemical reaction to look like an erupting volcano. We learnt about where some volcanoes are in the world and we made some art inspired by

Reception Science

In Reception we have been looking at floating and sinking. The children learnt about what it means for objects to float or sink, made predictions and then did an experiment using the water trays to see which objects floated or sank.


In Reception we have been learning about what Remembrance day is and about the poppies that represent it. We made some art inspired by poppies and the children chose to create poppy pictures and sculptures during their busy learning time.