Find out what we have been learning in this weeks newsletter.
Early Years
Reception news 25/9/20
Find out what we have been learning this week and how you can help your child at home.
Starting Reception
We have had a fantastic time getting to know the children in their first few days at school! The children have settled in brilliantly and have enjoyed exploring their classrooms.
This week the children have been looking closely to create super self portraits.
Welcome to Reception
We are so excited to see your smiling faces tomorrow. Follow the signs to the Fieldfare Entrance and then come on down to the playground gate, where you will be able to drop off your child for the next three days. We will have the bubbles going and hopefully you will be able to spot some familiar faces from the story-time videos. We can’t wait to see you!
Nursery transition week w/c 7th September
We are really looking forward to welcoming the nursery children into school next week!
You should have previously received a letter via email, with details of your child’s two transition sessions. The transition sessions will last for 1 and a half hours each and there will be a smaller number of children. Due to current restrictions parents are not able to attend the sessions and we are asking you to leave your child with us at the nursery gate. We will be happy to give you a call and let you know how they have settled.
Reception starting school
As things currently stand we are expecting to go ahead with the proposed staggered entry for reception children (please see below). Class teachers have been busy getting the classrooms ready this week and are excited to welcome the children from Wednesday 9th September.
New EYFS Storytime
If you are joining Reception or Nursery in September follow this link to hear a story from your new class teacher.