Year 1 Antarctic Artwork

This week we created an Antarctic scene using tissue paper, cotton wool, paint and coloured card. We really enjoyed making a step-by-step penguin with googly eyes.

Massai Tribes

Year 2 enjoyed learning about the Maasai tribe today as part of our topic today. We made our own inspired necklaces!

Year 1 Cafe

Year 1 enjoyed writing postcards from the Kalahari Desert with their grownups at our cafe. We made 3D Meerkats too! 

Handa’s Surprise

After reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’, we tasted fruit from Kenyan and described using adjectives. We used four of our senses to help us describe. We tried banana, mango, passion fruit, oranges and kiwi!

Our Place in the World

Today we launched our new school topic ‘Our Place in the World’. Children across all the school have been finding out about the UN rights of the child, designing their own ideal city, exploring the history of famous Kings and Queens and having a go at Morris dancing!

Being a Good Friend

Year 2 looked at what being a good friend was today. We discussed and acted out different scenarios and thought about whether they were friendly or unfriendly.

Year 2 Learn about Constellations

During this lesson, we learned about constellations. Then, we recreated one of the well-known constellations with spaghetti and marshmallows. Afterwards, we drew constellations onto black paper using chalk.