Week One in Year One!

We have had a fantastic first week in Year One! The children have been so passionate and excited about their learning which has been fantastic to see.

In class, we started reading a new book called ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers which the children have really enjoyed. Inspired by this, the children created their own planet stained glass windows.

Year 1 Antarctic Artwork

This week we created an Antarctic scene using tissue paper, cotton wool, paint and coloured card. We really enjoyed making a step-by-step penguin with googly eyes.

Massai Tribes

Year 2 enjoyed learning about the Maasai tribe today as part of our topic today. We made our own inspired necklaces!

Year 1 Cafe

Year 1 enjoyed writing postcards from the Kalahari Desert with their grownups at our cafe. We made 3D Meerkats too!