Creation and Science: Conflicting or Complementary? Year 6 have been exploring this ‘Big Question’ in RE and have had some very insightful and mature conversations in response to it. Children have discussed the Christian story of creation in Genesis as well as The Big Bang and Evolution theories and thought critically about how the two can be both in conflict and complement one another. Using topic-specific vocabulary, they have produced some high-quality pieces of work to visually represent the main ideas of both religious and scientific perspectives. Children have demonstrated great reflection skills whilst also considering their own thoughts and beliefs.
Key Stage 2
Y4 Cathedral and Mosque Trip
This week, Year 4 visited Norwich Cathedral where they learnt about some important features of Christianity and the building of the Cathedral.
We also visited the mosque on Rose Lane where they learnt about the Five Pillars of Islam. The children asked many thoughtful questions about Muslim beliefs.
In addition to this, we spent time with Edith Cavell who told us all about her life and how she became a nurse, helping injured soldiers. We then visited her grave which is located at Norwich Cathedral.
It was a very busy but enjoyable day!
Stormy and Hazel Update!
Our Year 6 Guinea Pigs have settled into their new home and the children have loved learning to look after and care for them. Our furry friends have even been going home with children over the weekends!
Year 6 Reading
Thank you to our wonderful community volunteers who gave every Year 6 pupil the opportunity to read aloud! The children loved being able to share their favourite stories with our visitors.
Y5 Ancient Greek Day
To launch our new history topic, Ancient Greeks. Y5 had a day of cooking. We prepared and cooked Melomakarona (which are Greek honey-spice cookies), chicken kebabs with roasted vegetables and tzatziki dip and a Greek salad. The children worked tirelessly in the kitchen all morning to prepare this wonderous feast. In the afternoon we wrote up our recipes with a detailed method including modal and imperative verbs.
Finally, once all the work was done we sat down and ate all of the wonderful food that was prepared.
Local Author Visit
To mark the end of world book week, Miss Hicks organised for local author, Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward, to join our school for the day. He visited all of the classrooms today, to read his story and inspire others to write their own book. Nigel’s books: Freddie’s Impossible Dream and What’s That? were illustrated by his son Robbie, who was 8 years-old when he drew the pictures for their first book. The books are about the power of imagination, chasing your dreams and never giving up.
A big thank you to Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward for joining us. You can find out more about his books on his website:
Y6 Mathematics Challenge
We sent four of our young mathematicians to represent Queen’s Hill at a county wide mathematics challenge, held at Norwich School.
They were given a set of letters and numbers and worked through the ‘equations’ allocating the letters values. They then attempted to make the total indicated using six values provided while only using the four operations. The final challenge was to solve questions to test their lateral thinking and problem solving.
All four of them worked extremely hard and represented Queen’s Hill with pride – we are so proud of them!
Y5 Mathematics Challenge
We sent four of our young mathematicians to represent Queen’s Hill at a county wide mathematics challenge, held at Norwich School.
Working in pairs the mathematicians worked through five problems during an eight minute period at each station. The activities involved problems such as:
Pentominoes ~ Tangrams ~ Railway timetables ~ Ordering playing cards ~ Dice ~ Mystery numbers ~ Domino jigsaw ~ Shopping lists ~ Mazes ~ Code breaking ~ Sequences ~ Broken calculators ~ Make 24 ~ Logic puzzles ~ Cross numbers.
All four of them worked extremely hard and represented Queen’s Hill with pride. They competed with courage and placed Queen’s Hill in the top 20! Even commenting that they would come back next year and compete for Y6 – we are so proud of them!
The Arrival by Shaun Tan
This week, Year 6 started their English unit based on the graphic novel, ‘The Arrival’ by Shaun Tan. A graphic novel is a story without words and it can still be just as powerful and detailed. We discussed how every illustration is included for a reason and that if you look very closely you gather a huge amount of information from a single image.
‘The Arrival’ is a migrant story. A man leaves his wife and child in a poor town, hoping for better opportunities in an unfamiliar country on the other side of the sea. He eventually finds himself in a mysterious city of different traditions, strange animals, unusual drifting objects and foreign languages. With only a suitcase and a little money, the immigrant must find a place to live, food to eat and some kind of employment. He is helped along the way by supportive strangers, each carrying the weight of their own past: stories of struggle and survival in a world of upheaval and hope.
Our Topic this term is ‘Tolerance’ and already Year 6 have been able to identify some of the key themes of the book as respect, diversity and multiculturalism. We look forward to seeing the work that the children will produce based on this powerful story.
Y5 Scaling
This week in maths Y5 continue to build on their knowledge of ‘scaling’. At the end of the week children got to move around the classroom, visiting four different stations. At each station children had to demonstrate using scaling language comparing mass, time, volume and length.
They did amazingly well and they have now applied that knowledge to multiplying by fractions!