School Council Christmas Bauble Project

Back in November, the School Council decided to buy every child a clear bauble to design and decorate ready for Christmas. Each year group chose their own designs and have been busy over the last few weeks creating them.

In Year 1, children filled their baubles with Christmas sequins and they decorated the outside.

In Year 2, children turned their baubles into reindeer and used them to decorate the Christmas trees in their classrooms!

In Year 3, the children turned their baubles into snow globes, complete with snowmen inside.

In Year 4, the children used lots of glitter and glue to decorate the outside of their baubles.

In Year 5, they used tissue paper and glue to create a textured bauble which they filled with yummy treats!

And finally, in Year 6, the children filled the inside of the baubles with glitter, then used white pen to create patters on the outside.

We think they all look amazing! A great big thank you to the School Council for organising this for everyone.

Year 6 Time & Tide Museum Trip

Year 6 had a great time visiting the Time and Tide Museum to round off their topic work on World War Two. They travelled back in time to 1941 when Great Yarmouth was in the thick of the action as a ‘front line town’. They Discovered how the war affected people on the home front and met an ARP warden where they experienced an air raid and quickly had to get into a Morrison shelter. They learnt how to make-do-and-mend with a 1940s housewife and took a look in her home. They visited a shopkeeper who had the children rationing food and even making and trying powdered mayonnaise and carrot sandwiches. And to top it all off, they had bayonet training with a Home Guard soldier. We were so impressed by their curiosity, knowledge and how well they represented QH. Take a look at how brilliant their evacuee costumes were too!

Year 4 Christmas Art

This week, Year 4 have enjoyed getting into the Christmas spirit by creating their own Northern Lights artwork.

They used chalks to create the colourful light display in the sky and the snow beneath.

Then, they used black paint to add the silhouette of trees, thinking carefully about size and proportion.

Finally, they added splashes of white paint to create the effect of snow.

We think they all look stunning!

Y5 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Some of  us in Year 5 had the opportunity to visit OVA to watch the dress rehearsal for their Christmas production of ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!’. We all were wowed by the amazing acting and dancing skills of the cast and were astounded when the car actually flew! When we got back to school, we sang our own rendition of the song to the office staff! Thank you to OVA for inviting us.

Year 4 Roman Catapults

This week, Year 4 have been learning about the history of the catapult and have made their own version of Roman style catapults.

They used their measuring skills to measure the wood accurately, then used junior hacksaws to cut the wood to the correct lengths. Next, they used hot glue guns to join all of their pieces together, complete with elastic bands to create the tension.

Each class then had an opportunity to try out their catapults against mini figurines. A great time was had by all!

We are so proud of all the teamwork and grit and determination that was shown throughout the week.

Investigating Shadows

This week, Year 6 have conducted a shadow investigation to explore whether the distance between an object and a light source will affect the size of the shadow. Firstly, children created shadow puppets and gathered the apparatus they needed for the experiment: a meter stick, a ruler, a torch and their results table. They measured the size of the shadow when their torch was at different intervals from the object and, to keep it a fair test, made sure the shadow puppet remained in the same place for each measurement. Children then reported on their results and found that the closer the light source was to the object, the greater the shadow because more light was blocked. We have been impressed by Year 6’s curiosity and teamwork when working scientifically this week!

Anti-Bullying Curriculum Day

On Friday 17th November, children across the whole school celebrated their uniqueness by wearing odd socks. The day started with an assembly by the Happiness Heroes, who explained their role in school and upcoming projects they have planned. Back in class, everyone learnt about what bullying is and how to ‘Make a Noise’ about bullying to put an end to it.

Science in Year 6

This week in Science, Year 6 have started their new unit on light. Children revisited prior learning using a concept cartoon to start their discussions. Then they explored subject-specific vocabulary which they will use and develop their understanding of through investigation and enquiry over the course of this half term.

KS2 Music

A big thanks to Norwich High School for visiting KS2 music assembly today.

The children participated in a singing workshop before listening to a flute, French horn, clarinet, piano, saxophone, vocal and African percussion recital.

Everyone loved hearing the range of instruments. Thank you!

Romeo & Juliet: The Prologue

Year 6 have had fun exploring the beginning of Romeo & Juliet through drama this week. They used freeze frames to capture parts of The Prologue in Shakespeare’s tragic play and even had a go at translating the tricky language into the modern day. Children will be reporting on the action of Act 1 Scene 1 over the coming weeks and producing informative newspaper reports.