Year 6 have been enjoying their weekly cricket sessions through Norfolk Cricket’s ‘Chance 2 Shine programme’ this half term. They have been developing concentration, focus, hand-eye coordination and throwing and catching skills. Today the children focused on the accuracy of their bowling and, with grit and determination, many managed to successfully knock down the wickets!
Key Stage 2
Y5 Maths Investigation
Today Y5 were tasked to use trial and improvement to answer the below questions. They all worked extremely hard and were determined to find all the possible solutions.
Art inspired by Patrick Heron
This week, Year 6 have shown great creativity when producing art work inspired by Patrick Heron who created paintings full of colour, imagination and fascinating shapes. We’re so impressed at how the children captured his unique style in their own work!
Y4 Tie Dye
In Art this week, we have explored the shapes and patterns we can make using tie dye techniques.
Y4 Litter Pickers
This week in Year 4, we took to the streets of Queen’s Hill on a mission to clean it up! We have started a project this half term, learning about the changes that have happened in the local area in our Geography lessons. We have also linked this to our Science learning this half term, about the positive and negative impact that humans have on their local area.
Y5 Eaton Vale 2023
We had a fun packed few days at Eaton Vale this year. All the children were amazing and gave everything a go even if they were initially weary. We packed so much in that the photos below do not do it justice but hopefully you will get a snapshot of the lasting memories we built.
Y4 Mono printing and Special Visitor
This week, we started our mono printing in Art. We even had a special visit from Mr Cross who shared his own mono printing examples which left us all extremely inspired.
Year 6: ‘My World of Languages’
Year 6 have enjoyed beginning to look at languages and their fascinating and fun connections and roots. They have started to see that words and languages from different countries are closely linked and that by looking for clues and cracking codes, understanding other languages is easier than we think!
Y4 Maths Time Games
We’re back with a bang in year 4! This week we have started a new unit of work in Maths. We are learning about time. We have started by recapping our learning from previous years including years, months and weeks. Today, we started to tell the time from a clock beginning with o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. We played a game to help us embed our knowledge.
French Fruit Salad in Year 3
Year 3 began this term’s French topic on food today using Languagenut to learn the names of fabulous fruits. They extended their language learning to create colourful fruit bowls which they labelled in French! Bien fait tout le monde (well done everyone)!