Goodbye and Good Luck Year 6!

We would like to wish our year sixes the best of luck as they move on from Queen’s Hill today. Here are some pictures from the end of their water fight this afternoon – Mr Cross and Mr Hann even got involved too!

Rocksteady Concert

This morning, on our final day of the academic year, we welcomed lots of adults and children to our Rocksteady concert.

5 bands performed including songs from George Ezra and Taylor Swift!

What a musical morning!

Year 6 Orchard Visit

Year 6 had a wonderful morning in the sunshine at the Orchard today. They were able to fix the tree labels they made last year directly onto the steel mesh of the tree guards using zip ties through pre-drilled holes. They also participated in a ‘hands on’ conservation work activity making bee hotels and signs to welcome the bees! Children then had a tour of the site and were given some background information on the conservation work that has been going on in the park. Thank you to the volunteers who facilitated the visit, the children had a really great time and it was a lovely way to complete the project started by last year’s Year 6 children who planted the trees in the Summer term of 2022!

Imagine a Story Writing Project!

Congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 writers who are now officially published authors! A group of our UKS2 children participated in a project in collaboration with The Southbank Centre, in London, to write a chapter of a novel called ‘Rewilding Dream’ alongside authors Sita Brahmachari and Dominique Palmer, illustrator Lucy Farfort and over 2,500 children from other schools in the county. The story challenged important environmental concerns including pollution and climate change. Today their achievements were celebrated at the Norwich regional performance at Norwich Puppet Theatre. Children all received a copy of the finished book and quickly found their names in the list of contributors! As well as this, they had an illustrating masterclass! A huge well done to all for your efforts – lots of grit and determination was shown throughout the writing process!

Algebra in Year 6

Year 6 have been hard at work preparing for high school Maths! They have been learning all about algebraic notations and exploring substituting numerical values into expressions. Today, children used calculators to explore sequences and the ‘nth’ term, a concept which needed lots of concentration!

Year 6 Cricket

Year 6 have been enjoying their weekly cricket sessions through Norfolk Cricket’s ‘Chance 2 Shine programme’ this half term. They have been developing concentration, focus, hand-eye coordination and throwing and catching skills. Today the children focused on the accuracy of their bowling and, with grit and determination, many managed to successfully knock down the wickets!

Y4 Litter Pickers

This week in Year 4, we took to the streets of Queen’s Hill on a mission to clean it up! We have started a project this half term, learning about the changes that have happened in the local area in our Geography lessons. We have also linked this to our Science learning this half term, about the positive and negative impact that humans have on their local area.