Year 6: ‘My World of Languages’

Year 6 have enjoyed beginning to look at languages and their fascinating and fun connections and roots. They have started to see that words and languages from different countries are closely linked and that by looking for clues and cracking codes, understanding other languages is easier than we think!

Y4 Maths Time Games

We’re back with a bang in year 4! This week we have started a new unit of work in Maths. We are learning about time. We have started by recapping our learning from previous years including years, months and weeks. Today, we started to tell the time from a clock beginning with o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. We played a game to help us embed our knowledge.

French Fruit Salad in Year 3

Year 3 began this term’s French topic on food today using Languagenut to learn the names of fabulous fruits. They extended their language learning to create colourful fruit bowls which they labelled in French! Bien fait tout le monde (well done everyone)!

Brilliant Board Games

Year 6 have produced some absolutely brilliant board games this week as part of their DT project. From thinking carefully about their initial concept and theme, to considering their own game’s effectiveness during the evaluation process, they have demonstrated great creativity and reflection. We definitely think there could be some future product designers amongst them!

We are Proud to be a ‘Good’ School

I am delighted to inform you that we have retained our ‘good’ judgement by Ofsted in our recent inspection.

There has been a lot of hard work behind the scenes, and I am thrilled that the dedication of our staff and pupils has been recognised. I’m sure you will join me in congratulating everyone who works and volunteers at
our school.

I wanted to draw your attention to some of the excellent feedback we received:

  • Queen’s Hill Primary is a peaceful, well-organised school, where pupils feel safe.
  • Pupils are helped to develop academically and personally in a nurturing environment.
  • Leaders provide a harmonious environment where diversity is valued.
  • Expectations are high for everybody.
  • Staff treat pupils with respect and kindness.
  • Leaders are ambitious for pupils with SEND.
  • Parents appreciate the work of the school staff both in regard to the care they provide and the
  • curriculum on offer.

I also wanted to personally thank everyone who completed Ofsted’s Parent View survey. This is such valuable feedback, and helps us to ensure our school continues to be the best that it can be for our pupils.

Thank you once again for all the support you continue to give the school.
Best wishes,

Mr. Matthew Cross

Thorpe Park

Year 6 had the best time at Thorpe Park yesterday! The children were so excited and were fearless going on some very thrilling rides. We were so proud of how they represented the school too. A well-deserved end of SATs treat!

Y5 Space Art

This half term Y5 have being studying the works of local artist Dale Devereux-Barker, who lives and works in Suffolk. Using layering techniques and working with water colours and pastels the children were able to create a ‘space’ themed mixed media collage. We are incredibly impressed with the artwork produced, which is on display ready to impress at the next ‘Work Share’.