Y5 Curriculum Day – Earth Day

Today Y5 celebrated Earth Day. We were tasked to look at the issue of ‘littering’ and how this impacted on the Earth. We decided to go on a litter pick around the school grounds. Due to the amount of litter found the children felt compelled to do more so they decided to write letters to their local MP raising this issue within their community. In the afternoon Y5 met up with their Y2 buddies class and helped them complete their ‘No – Mow May’ posters. Calling upon the school and all garden owners and green space managers not to mow during May – liberating their lawns and providing a space for nature.

Investigations and Market Research!

Year 6 have had a busy start to the week! In Maths, children have put their problem solving skills to the test, working on a tricky investigation collaboratively. They have also been learning about Islamic patterns and the geometric shapes found in mosques, linking their learning to RE.

In DT, children carried out Market Research as they began their new project. Before designing their own board games, they tried and tested a variety of games and evaluated their effectiveness. We look forward to seeing (and playing) the games they create!

Y4 Science – Volume and Pitch

Year 4 have continued their investigations into sound and pitch this week! Today, we experimented with different balls to investigate the impact that size and shape would have on the pitch and volume created by the balls.

Well Done Year 6!

Wow, what a week! Our Year 6’s have been absolutely amazing when completing their SATs this week – they have shown tremendous amounts of grit and determination and resilience.

Each day has started with a SATs breakfast, children have enjoyed: beans on toast, bacon and sausage rolls and, to top it all off, delicious pancakes! A HUGE thank you to Nicki and the kitchen team for making sure our children had a nutritious breakfast before each of their assessments.

Thank you also to all the adults who gave up their time to support in Year 6 this week and to all parents and carers for their continued support. We wish everyone – adults and children – a well-deserved and restful weekend.

Good Luck Year 6!

Next week our amazing Year 6 pupils take part in their end of Key Stage 2 SATs. We couldn’t be more proud of how hard Year 6 have worked over the last couple of weeks in preparation. Each and every one of them has put a great deal of effort into performing to the absolute best of their ability and the progress they have made, regardless of what happens next week, has been phenomenal. A huge good luck to everyone however, remember this is just one week in your learning journey so far. Have a lovely, restful weekend and we look forward to welcoming our Year 6’s to SATs Breakfast on Tuesday.

We think this poem sums it up!

SATs don’t measure sports,
SATs don’t measure art,
SATs don’t measure music,
Or the kindness of your heart.

SATs don’t see your beauty,
SATs don’t know your worth,
SATs don’t see the reasons,
You were put upon this Earth.

SATs don’t see your magic,
How you make others smile,
SATs don’t time how quickly,
You can run a mile.

SATs don’t hear your laughter,
Or see you’ve come this far,
SATs are just a tiny glimpse,
Of who you really are.

So sitting at your table,
With a pencil and your test,
Remember SATs aren’t who you are,

Coronation Celebrations!

We have had an amazing day across the school as we celebrated the King’s coronation. Children designed coronation t-shirts, Year 3 and 4 students created coronation puppets in their Forest School sessions, and our lunchtime staff, with the help of council, put on a delicious lunchtime picnic, complete with crown biscuits. A feast fit for a King!

Y5 Fractions

What better way is there when starting a new topic but with an investigation. Children were tasked to answer the following question:

“If the chocolate on the table I sit at is to be shared out equally when I sit down, which would be the best table to sit at?“

In the classroom there were three tables. One with 1 bar of chocolate on, another with 2 bars of chocolate and a third with 3 bars of chocolate. All children were sent out into the corridor and then asked to come in one by one and answer the above question by sitting at a table.

At the end of the task the children did get to eat the chocolate and fractions was launched successfully!

Planning an investigation

This week, Year 6 have started planning a scientific investigation to discover how variations in electrical components change how circuits function. Children started to consider how the flow of electricity is impacted when it is distributed between more components, such as the number of bulbs. They looked at a concept cartoon to start their discussions. Thinking scientifically, they then used what they already knew to make predictions. We look forward to seeing what children find out in our next lesson!