Year 3 Castle Trip

Year 3 had a fantastic day at Norwich Castle. They were able to consolidate and further their Ancient Egyptian knowledge. They enjoyed exploring artefacts, seeing a mummy and creating their own Egyptian jewellery.

The children were safe, ready and respectful and asked some super questions. Well done Year 3!

Year 3 and Reception Buddies

Year 3 had a great afternoon with their reception buddies on Thursday.
They were able to ask about their learning this half term and then share their own fantastic Egyptian non-chronological reports. They have worked so hard on them and it was great to celebrate success!

Mayan printing

This week in Art, Year 6 created brilliant Mayan prints. Inspired by the geometric shapes and repeating patterns used by the Maya people, children first made cardboard tiles and glued on their designs using string. They then painted the string on the tile and pressed down onto their piece of paper using a variety of colours. We were impressed by their creativity and concentration during this process!

Year 4 Electronic Iron Man Faces

Year 4 finished the term by designing and building Iron Man faces with electronic glow in the dark eyes. They had to wire up the LED bulbs with batteries and switches using all of their knowledge about electrical circuits taught this term. We were very impressed with the final outcomes.

Year 4 NHS Anxiety Workshop

Year 4 were delighted to welcome the NHS Cambridgeshire Community Service Trust today to run a 1 hour big worries and anxiety workshop with each of our classes. It was pleasing to see the children coming away with so many new strategies to help them manage their emotions and feelings.

Investigating heart rate

In their learning about the circulatory system, Year 6 have been investigating the effect of exercise on their heart rate. They began by using pulse oximeters to measure their resting heart rate and then took their pulse after first walking, then jogging and then sprinting. Children then drew conclusions based on their results to see if their predictions were correct and presented their findings in a bar chart. To further develop their investigation, children conducted a second experiment to compare the change in their heart rate after holding various stationary positions. It was great to see everyone’s keen curiosity and teamwork!

Year 4 Iron Man illustrations

We have spent a number of weeks building up to our final Iron Man illustrations. The children have enjoyed studying the work of other artists, practised new water colour techniques and experimented with using a range of different drawing media. Our final pieces are now complete and ready to be displayed in the classrooms and on the year 4 corridor display.

Year 3 Computing/Music

Year 3 have enjoyed using ‘Scratch’ as part of their computing unit.

Today, they were able to code different instruments to create their very own band.

Miss Peek enjoyed hearing and seeing lots of different performances!

Year 1 & Year 4 buddy research

This week, year one and year four pupils buddied up for an afternoon session of African animal research on the iPads. It was wonderful to see such polite and caring partnerships between our older and younger students. Our year ones went away with lots of interesting and useful facts about meerkats, lions and giraffes which they will use to help them with their writing next week. We look forward to them sharing this work with their older buddies at the end of term.