This week, we have enjoyed looking at the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We made baskets, explored red paint and looked for red objects outside. We have also started our RWI phonics and learnt how to say ‘m’ and ‘s’

This week, we have enjoyed looking at the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We made baskets, explored red paint and looked for red objects outside. We have also started our RWI phonics and learnt how to say ‘m’ and ‘s’
Last week, the children in nursery enjoyed the story ‘Supertato’. We made traps for the evil pea, created our own supertato and explored printing with vegetables.
A warm welcome to Queen’s Hill Nursery! This short video will provide you with a bit more information about the nursery and you will be able to see some of the indoor and outdoor environments. Please click on the link to watch
Hi everyone,
We are so excited to see you all back at school on Monday 🙂 Click on the link to see our welcome back to school video.
It’s set to snow over the coming week, so if the snow comes here are some suggested activities to make the most out of the snow!
We have really enjoyed our first two ‘super science’ assemblies exploring ways to make ice melt the quickest, and exploring properties of materials and how to make things ‘go’. The children showed real grit and determination to keep trying, even when they weren’t getting the results they wanted!
Hello Early Years children and families. Join us for our Healthy Me Cafe and get creative in the kitchen with these videos!
Watch our cafe video from 3pm on Tapestry or through this link:
Here are the recipes we used, but you can use what you have available at home.
Hello Nursery! Here is this week’s home learning. We will read the story ‘The Gingerbread Man.’ We will explore the words ‘character,’ ‘setting’ and ‘problem’ and we will help the Gingerbread Man to share his buttons with his friend Benny Biscuit.