Lunchtime Art Club

Children across the school have enjoyed participating in our new lunchtime art club. They’ve had a go at building their own plasticine models which they will use later when creating some stop motion animations. This club has been running as part of our whole-school work on developing children’s composition skills. 


Year 3 spent today learning all about the Hindu celebration of Holi

In the afternoon of our Hinduism RE day, we had a presentation from Sanjna and Davashree. Sanjna and Davashree are both Hindus. They shared with us their beliefs, discussed some of their deities, showed us some Hindu dancing and some of us even got to try on some Hindu clothing. We then tried some curry. Lots of us wanted to have seconds!

Year 6 The Arrival

In English today we started our new unit in English studying the book The Arrival. We had to think about who the characters in the image were and write questions that we would ask them. Mrs White and Mrs Andrews then went ‘in to role’ and we had a chance to ask them these questions. 

Year 4 build a ‘World in a Jar’

This week year 4 built a ‘World in a Jar’ ecosystem. We spent time outside in the elements collecting materials to create them from, including soil, rocks and plant life. Back in the classroom, the children layered up these material before adding their earth’s ‘atmosphere’ in the form of clingfilm! We will make observations of our ecosystems over the coming week to see what changes occur. 

Year 4 After School Café

A huge thank you to all year 4 parents who were able to attend our after school cafe on Wednesday 13th March. We read our current class English novel Beowulf as inspiration for the final artwork pieces that we would be creating. An art workshop then took place with pupils and adults drawing monster eyes using a step-by-step guide. To finish them, we used water-colour wash techniques to create the patterns for skin, scales and irises. Refreshments and an opportunity to chat and network with other parents, was provided half-way through. A creative time was had by all as you can see from the photos and many beautiful pieces of artwork were taken home by children and parents! Thank you for supporting our cafes this term. Look out in the school newsletter and school calendar for our upcoming dates in the summer term.

Danger-Us club make pancakes

Danger-Us club had great fun making (and eating) pancakes this week.

“We had a go at traditional pancakes and also an American-style too. We got some great reviews about our cooking and our skills are getting better all the time.”


Book Festival


Tuesday is the start of our 3 day Book Festival and our first event is BOOK SWAP. If your child has a book they would like to swap please bring to the Research Library before 8:40am, we will issue them with a raffle ticket, and they can come back at lunchtime to choose a book.


Year 3 learn about the Egyptians


Les Taupes have counted each school day this year and represented it with a straw. When we get ten straws, they are bundled up which supports our place value and counting. When we have ten groups of ten we know we have 100!

Today Les Taupes celebrated the 100th day of school by decorating biscuits with hundreds and thousands!

Today Year 3 also finished their Egyptian Death Masks. Make sure you see the display outside the Year 3 classrooms!

Danger-Us Club

Danger-Us club visited Norfolk’s highest climbing wall at the OPEN on Wednesday 13th February. We had the wall to ourselves for an hour and the coaching of an amazing instructor. We can’t wait to go back!