Year 3 Science

Year 3 enjoyed beginning their new topic on forces and magnets.

They learnt about the 2 different poles and what a magnetic field was.

Remembrance Art

Year 6 have produced some beautiful ‘Pointillism’ poppies this week in response to Remembrance. After carefully sketching their poppy outline, children used cotton buds to create the dotted effect. Many people choose to wear a poppy in November for Remembrance Day to show respect for the people who died fighting in the First World War and the conflicts that followed it. But there are other coloured poppies too – purple, black and white – that have different meanings.

The red poppy is the most famous symbol used to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives in World War One and conflicts that followed. They say that the red poppy represents remembrance and hope. The purple poppy is often worn to remember animals that have been victims of war. The BlackPoppyRose commemorates the contributions of black, African and Caribbean communities to the war effort – as servicemen and servicewomen, and as civilians. The white poppy is handed out by a charity called Peace Pledge Union, which promotes peace.

We think Year 6 have shown excellent creativity!

Viking Day Y5

On Monday, we enjoyed our Viking Day. Our visitors from Jormungand Reenactment gave us lots of information about the Vikings which will be useful for our topic throughout the term. We got to ask lots of questions and handle some Viking artefacts which was great fun.

We also explored Viking shields, practised drawing snakes and serpents and created our own shields incorporating our snakes into our designs.

We can’t wait to learn more!

Y1 – Sketchbooks

This week Year 1 drew in their sketchbooks for the first time. They were encouraged to put themselves on the page. Children used pens, pencils and crayons to draw things that matter to them and decorate it in a way that made it completely theirs. Each one was completely unique and we think it’ll be a great memory for them to look back on, we were so impressed by their creativity.

Year 2 and 3 Sharing Work

This morning Year 2 and Year 3 spent some time together sharing their writing. Year 2 read their buddy their fairy tale and Year 3 shared their persuasive posters. They all had a great time listening to their buddy’s work!

Year 2 Rangoli Patterns

Year 2 have continued learning about why light is important for different religions. This week they have learnt about Hinduism and Diwali. They learnt about the story of Rama and Sita and then created their own rangoli patterns.

Year 3- All about plants!

Year 3 spent the afternoon reflecting and recapping on their science learning from this half term – all about plants!

They remembered the different parts and functions, the life cycle and even our water transportation experiment!

“Coming to England”

This week we have been looking at the book “Coming to England” by Floella Benjamin for Black History Month. In the story Floella tells the reader about coming from Trinidad to England. We tried food which is spoken about in the book and designed a headdress for our very own carnival!