Year 2 RE

Year 2 have started learning about why light is an important symbol for different religions. This week they have been learning about the Jewish festival Hanukkah and understanding how a Menorah is an important part of this celebration.

Autumn walk

In Reception we visited the outdoor classroom on site this week. We searched for signs of Autumn that we have learnt about this week with partners. We then talked about what we found and what we missed off our checklist and why this might be.

Year 3 Rotary Club Dictionaries

Each year, the Year 3 cohort are fortunate to be presented with dictionaries from the Rotary Club.

Today, the children were presented with theirs and had time to explore them in class with their friends.

We can’t wait to see how they will be used to support their learning both in school and at home- thank you!

Steel Pan Fun!

Year 6 have been enjoying weekly steel pan music lessons. They have been getting to grips with the different notes and sounds all whilst learning about where steel pans originate from!

First Assembly

This week Reception joined together in the Library for our first assembly. We listened to a story about ‘concentration’ and talked about our celebration crowns. Next week we will be begin celebrating a child from each class each week, where they will wear a crown and have a certificate to bring home to share with their grown-ups.

Dinosaur Week

In Reception we have been using the text “The Girl and the Dinosaur” written by Hollie Hughes and Sarah Massini as our inspiration. We have been doing lots of dinosaur themed activities and learnt lots about when and how dinosaurs lived.

Phonics in Reception

Children have been working hard and enjoying learning new sounds everyday. We also welcomed parents in this week for an ‘Introduction to Phonics’ meeting to help understand how we teach phonics using the Read, Write, Inc scheme.

Year 3 Science

Year 3 explored water transportation today.

They had to think about what a fair test was and work as a team to set up their celery and food dye.

We can’t wait to see the results later!

Dancing Raisins Y5

Last week in science we were continuing to explore the properties of materials. We carried out the ‘dancing raisin’ experiment and had great fun watching them! We had to make some predictions, observe closely and consider the reasons for the movement using scientific vocabulary