Year 4 – Jabberwocky Art

Year 4 have been completing art work in response to the poem “The Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll. They used charcoal, graphite, pencil and water colours. Our finished final pieces are displayed in the corridor and the classrooms.

A great start to Year 1

The children have settled well into Year 1. They have enjoyed carrying out their own projects and exploring their new classroom and resources during busy times. They are starting to get used to some new routines and we are very proud of them.

Year 6 Art

Year 6 have started the year off with an Art project linked to history learning all about WWII. Children re-designed packaging for wartime food products whilst considering the impact of rationing and the need for items to have a much longer life than the usual fresh produce. We think the end results look excellent and have been so impressed by their creativity!

Settling into Reception

Our new starters have been settling into Reception and have enjoyed playing in the classrooms and our outdoor area.

Y5 Democracy

During our first full week back in school, year 5 have been campaigning for their school council representatives. We learned about democracy and how we keep things fair. The children worked together on their campaigns and made compelling speeches. Well done to all our school councilors who were elected on polling day!

Year 3 Maths

Year 3 explored adding 3 addends today.
They showed great independence using different resources and have been working hard at their presentation too.

Year 2 Art

Year 2 have started their first art project of the year and have been exploring art in nature. After learning about artists who use the landscape and natural materials in their work, the children collected natural objects and then used them to create patterns and pictures.

Year 3 Art

Year 3 explored Heather Hansen’s gestural art today.

They listened to different pieces of music and thought about how it made them feel. They used charcoal to create art and patterns inspired by her.

Y4 Persuasive Speeches

Over the last few weeks, Year 4 have been learning all about what makes a great speech. They were then set a task by Mrs. Suffield to help her decide whether she should move her family to Queen’s Hill or the centre of Norwich. Y4 have been working incredibly hard to collate their ideas and come up with a convincing argument for why Queen’s Hill is the best place to live. This afternoon, Y4 gathered in the hall to present their speeches to Mrs. Suffield.