Year 6 Cafe

Thank you so much to our Y6 pupils and their families for attending our Advent Pyjama Party Cafe! We read a Christmas story wore our pyjamas, had hot chocolate and made our own Christmas decorations from recycled paper. 

Maths in Year 5

Year 5 have enjoyed applying their learning with expanded multiplication and short division to written calculations this week, and have successfully investigated real world problems such as the price of grocery items. We have also begun to work with non-chronological reports in our English lessons, and have all taken on different responsibilities (manage, recorder, reporter, encourager) to collate key information from our model texts. We have just begun the autumn test cycle, so look forward to showing off what he have learned!

Learning the column method

In Maths this year we have been revising place value and using base 10 to look at how many tens and ones in a number. After this, our teachers have taught us how to add and subtract using the column method. It’s been tricky but with determination, we’ve been able to succeed!

Toy Cafe in Year 1

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our recent cafe in year 1. We read a copy of ‘Traction Man’ by Mini Grey, before creating our own superhero car using loo rolls, split pins and coloured card.

Year 1 Maths

In Maths the year 1 children have been working hard to begin to add up to 20 using various strategies. They have also had a go at problem solving through talk, our lesson involved describing or asking questions about a teddy bear for their partner to guess.

Art Rocks!

Art club used acrylic paint to decorate rocks they found in the school playground. See if you can spot them as we hide them in locations around Queen’s Hill.

If you find one, hide it in a new location for another person to find.

This Week in Year 5

Year 5 have been developing their confidence when using short division methods this week (see image for an idea of how we’ve been doing this!), and have begun to solve multi-step problems in a variety of contexts. In our English lessons, we have been using Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link (PEEL) techniques to create persuasive arguments about apartheid. Through our topic lessons, we have begun to use a ‘one-point perspective’ style in art lessons to depict some of the iconic landmarks of Norwich. 

Year 6 Visit Norwich Aviation Centre

Year 6 had an absolutely fantastic trip to Norwich International Aviation Centre to take part in an activity on Tuesday 19th November. We took part in a number of STEM sessions including: paper plane design, robot coding, team building and designing an ejector seat for an egg! It was fabulous to see so many children shine with their creativity and enthusiasm for science and engineering tasks. Thank you so much to all of the RAF volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to make the day happen for us.