A busy week back in Reception

This week we have enjoyed finding out about the children’s Christmas holidays. Les Papillons Verts were intrigued by this tarantula cast brought in by one of the children. They practised their art skills by looking closely and drawing what they could see. They enjoyed singing incy wincy spider and made spiders and water spouts in their busy time.

Mysterious Footprints in Reception

This morning the Reception classrooms had some mysterious footprints. They led to a letter from Santa asking the children to send him their Christmas lists. This week the children are applying their phonics knowledge to write these letters. They have been working on folding the paper into the envelope and used scissor skills to cut out and stick on a stamp. Hopefully they will get to the North Pole in time!

Voting in Reception

Today Les Papillions Rouges talked about the election. We decided to vote for what we watched at snack time. The children used a piece of Duplo to choose what they wanted to watch. 

Jack Frost Visits Reception

In Reception we have been thinking about the weather and seasonal changes. Children went ice hunting after noticing that Jack Frost had visited! We enjoy exploring how ice changes and the children were then interested in looking at animals living in colder climates. 

This week the children have also been learning the PANTS rules from NSPCC. They enjoyed the Pantosaurus song.

Another Busy Week in Reception

We have been learning about remembrance and attended the school remembrance service.In maths we have been learning about measuring and comparing size. We decided to use string to measure ourselves roughly and have decorated flowers to show how we have grown.In PE we had lots of fun moving in different ways. Can you guess which animals we are?

Champion Boxer Visits Reception

This week reception were visited by a champion boxer. She talked to the children about having perseverance and grit and determination in order to achieve her goals. The children looked at her medal and tired on her boxing gloves!

We have had a fun week learning about Diwali, sharing the Gruffalo story and learning about Halloween. 

Another busy week in Reception

This week we have been exploring the autumn colours, leaves and objects. The children collected and sorted the leaves in different ways. The children have been enjoying exploring how much a number represents with some numberblocks construction this week. 

A New Display

Nursery and Reception children have been busy exploring different types of transport for the school topic ‘On The Move’ as they have been settling into school. We think you’ll agree their mark making looks fantastic! Make sure you check out the display outside Papillons Rouges.

12 ways to ask your child “So how was school today?” (Without asking “So how was school today?”)

  1. What was the best thing that happened at school today?
  2. Tell me something that made you laugh today.
  3. Who did you sit next to?
  4. If I asked your teacher, what would he/she tell me about you?
  5. How did you help someone today?
  6. When were you the happiest today?
  7. What song did you sing today?
  8. Tell me something good that happened today?
  9. What did you play outside?
  10. Who is the funniest person in your class? How is he/she funny?
  11. What was your favourite part of the day?
  12. What new word did you learn today?