Children enjoyed a dance workshop on Friday run by Miss Sunderland.
Reception Blog
Coronation Celebrations!
We have had an amazing day across the school as we celebrated the King’s coronation. Children designed coronation t-shirts, Year 3 and 4 students created coronation puppets in their Forest School sessions, and our lunchtime staff, with the help of council, put on a delicious lunchtime picnic, complete with crown biscuits. A feast fit for a King!
Police visit to Reception
On Wednesday, we were delighted to invite PC Taylor in to talk to the children about his role as a policeman. He explained about that, in an emergency, you can call the police using 999. He then gave them a virtual tour of a police van and explained that when the sirens are on, police cars and vans are allowed to go through red lights and on the other side of the road. He then ‘arrested’ Miss Briggs! The children were really interested in the the police service and asked him lots of wonderful questions.
The children then had the opportunity to try on some of the police uniform, which they all loved. A huge THANK YOU to PC Taylor for such a fun and informative visit.
Reception – British Sign Language – Emotions
We have been learning some British Sign Language. This week we focused on emotions. We learnt how to say how we were feeling using BSL. Here are some children to show you what we learnt. We also learnt that when you are signing it is important that your facial expression matches your sign, so when you sign ‘sad’ you need to look sad.
Bus driver visit to Reception
As part of our learning on transport, Sarah came in to talk to the year group about her role as a bus driver. She talked to the children about all aspects of her role, from keeping her passengers safe, understanding the bus timetables and maps to the road signs that she has to follow. We discussed how to catch a bus and ask a bus to stop once you are onboard. We also talked about how using the bus can help the environment.
Sarah also kindly made each class their own bus stop and driver lanyards so that they could enjoy role playing being a bus driver – which the children have loved! Thank you for a fabulous talk and awesome resources for the children!
Local Author Visit
To mark the end of world book week, Miss Hicks organised for local author, Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward, to join our school for the day. He visited all of the classrooms today, to read his story and inspire others to write their own book. Nigel’s books: Freddie’s Impossible Dream and What’s That? were illustrated by his son Robbie, who was 8 years-old when he drew the pictures for their first book. The books are about the power of imagination, chasing your dreams and never giving up.
A big thank you to Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward for joining us. You can find out more about his books on his website:
Martial Arts
SESMA joined reception for a martial arts session. Children learned to block, punch, guard and kick. They enjoyed the session and understood that martial arts is a discipline which they only practice during classes.
Safer Internet Curriculum Day
Mr. James organised a whole-school curriculum day today. It started with an assembly all about how to keep safe online, then year groups completed lessons on topics including how stop bullying online, the impact of technology on sleep and what to do if you feel like something isn’t right online. In the afternoon, our KS2 classes joined up with their buddy classes in Reception, Year 1 and 2 and helped them create safer internet day posters to put up around our school.