Year 1 Christopher Columbus

We have found out more about Christopher Columbus this week. He was a brave explorer who sailed ships across the sea. He had to use special equipment to do this such as a compass and maps. He didn’t have google maps! He learnt to sail when he was very young. We wrote a certificate for him to celebrate some of these things.

Year 1 Strange Arrival

A mystery suitcase turned up in the Year 1 classrooms at the start of this half term. We tried to work out who it might belong to. It turned out it belonged to Christopher Columbus. He visited our classrooms the next day. We thought about what a question is and then asked him some of these to find out who he was and what he did. We found out he was an explorer who lived a very long time ago. He sailed ships and discovered new places.

Our First Workshare!

Today we hosted our very first whole-school workshare. Thank you to parents and carers for coming along and helping to celebrate all of our pupils’ amazing learning so far! We will be hosting a work-share towards the end of each half-term. We will keep everyone updated with future dates in our monthly school newsletter.

Autumn fun

In year 1, we have been looking at seasons. We have been exploring the creatures and changes that we find in Autumn. During our activity times, children have been making crafts using different resources and skills.

60’s Disco

In Year 1 we have begun our new topic of old and new toys. We are focusing on what toys and life were like in the 1960’s. We had a disco to help us get a feel of the 60s. We had a great time dancing and listening to The Beatles on Mrs Carpenter’s record player. She even put on a groovy outfit too!

Year 1 Writing

Year 1 has got off to a great start for Summer term with their writing. We have been looking at attractions in Norfolk and the features of posters. Children then created their own posters based on some of Norfolk’s attractions.