Year 1 trip to Synagogue

Year 1 had a fantastic trip to the Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue in Norwich earlier in the term. Children learnt the about the important parts of the synagogue and had a chance to look at their Torah scroll.

Children then worked in groups learning about important festivals and Jewish celebrations including Shabbat, Jewish clothes and symbols in the synagogue and the books and hymns that they use.

Camouflage Art

In Year 1 we have been learning about Kalahari Desert and the animals which live there. We know it is hard for animals to survive here and we learnt that some animals have camouflaged fur/skin to keep them safe from predators. We created our own pieces of animal camouflage art using oil pastels.

Year 1 Maths

This half-term children are exploring numbers using a range of resources. Year 1 are having great fun using the new ‘Rekenreks’!

Year 1: School Trip

This week all of the Year 1 classes went on their first school trip to Whitwell. Everyone involved had a great time going on the bus and enjoyed our activities (river dipping and den building). Thank you to all of the parents who gave up their time to help out!!

Year 1 blog:

Last week the children created clay models of themselves holding welcoming messages as part of our work looking at refugees. This was inspired by the Norwich 2040 Figurine Partnership Project. Each class was also visited by a very special guest… A canary!! We learned about the history of canaries, where they came from and why they are a symbol of Norwich.

M and M production – Treasure Island

Year 1 got to enjoy this AMAZING show this afternoon. Treasure Island was performed in the school hall today. It was great to have them back to some normality and enjoying what the school can offer. They all sat beautifully and really enjoyed the performance. 

Year 1 blog:

Year 1 have enjoyed writing about what they would like to do in the Summer holidays this year. All of the staff were so proud with all the amazing ideas and writing the children produced.

Year 1 blog:

On Monday in maths, we were learning to share into equal groups using pizza toppings.

Les Coccinelles working well as a team.

Summer Half Term!

Year One have worked so hard this half term… All of the staff are so proud of how amazing they have been settling back into school life and throwing themselves into their learning. We have been extremely lucky to be able to regularly visit the Outdoor Classroom, this has helped to inspire our learning and is something the children have really enjoyed.

Les Abeilles: Trip to the Outdoor Classroom.

Year 1 Toy Café

Join the Year 1 team as they host a very special Toy Café. Listen as Mrs. Walden reads you a story and Miss Stephens shows you how to make your very own toy at home.

The activity should be done with parents/carers. Children will be coming home with resources (including the split pins) today (3rd December 2020).