Try these simple relaxation and mindfulness activities together and help your child learn to calm down when they feel stressed or anxious. Follow this link to access the resource:
This week in Year 1 we are exploring the artist Jasper John. Today we have been experimenting with colour and lines. The children have been practising how to make their brushstrokes thinner and thicker, as well as creating a lighter and darker shade of a given colour.
We had a Curriculum Day on Friday to launch our new topic ‘Family and Friends’. It was a slightly different curriculum day (as we did our learning jobs in class), but we were able to complete activities set by different teachers from across the school who had pre-filmed lessons for us to do!
Photos of our work from Curriculum Day
Our favourite activity was the Art activity where we created our own crowns. Take a look at some of the pictures of our work examples! We are also really proud of our ribbon weaving on the fence outside our classroom too.
We have had a fantastic first week in Year One! The children have been so passionate and excited about their learning which has been fantastic to see.
In class, we started reading a new book called ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers which the children have really enjoyed. Inspired by this, the children created their own planet stained glass windows.
This week we created an Antarctic scene using tissue paper, cotton wool, paint and coloured card. We really enjoyed making a step-by-step penguin with googly eyes.