Problem Solving in Maths

This week we have been using our problem solving skills in Maths. We worked hard to think of different ways we could use 5 colours for 3 balloons. We have also been looking at comparing numbers and using vocabulary such as; more than, less than, greatest, least and as many as. 

First Week in Year One

This week in Year one we have been revisiting our numbers from 0-10 and looking and the different ways numbers can be shown. We have been using tens frames to represent amounts and have challenged ourselves to add small amounts together. 

Year 1 Clay Boats

Today in Year 1 we made our boats out of clay. We had to follow our designs carefully and select appropriate tools to help us. We are so excited to paint them once they dry and can’t wait to show you the finished products!

Year 1 Archery

Year 1 had the opportunity to try archery in school yesterday. They enjoyed learning new skills and getting closer to the target!

Year 1 Easton Farm Trip

Year 1 had a super time at Easton Farm. They looked at tractors, saw many animals, got to stroke a baby lamb, did some wet felting and even made butter and flour!