Massai Tribes

Year 2 enjoyed learning about the Maasai tribe today as part of our topic today. We made our own inspired necklaces!

Year 1 Cafe

Year 1 enjoyed writing postcards from the Kalahari Desert with their grownups at our cafe. We made 3D Meerkats too! 

Toy Cafe in Year 1

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our recent cafe in year 1. We read a copy of ‘Traction Man’ by Mini Grey, before creating our own superhero car using loo rolls, split pins and coloured card.

Year 1 Maths

In Maths the year 1 children have been working hard to begin to add up to 20 using various strategies. They have also had a go at problem solving through talk, our lesson involved describing or asking questions about a teddy bear for their partner to guess.

Year 1 Trip

Year 1 had a brilliant trip to the Museum of Norwich at the Bridewell today. All children got to make their own toys and explored a range of different toys from the past.

Grandma Visits Year 1

This week year 1 invited a special visitor into school. Miss. Phillips’ grandma came into school to talk to all of year 1 about the toys she played with when she was young. The children asked some really interesting questions and we’re fascinated to find out more about toys from the past.

Problem Solving in Year 1

This week we took part in a whole school maths investigation. We thought about how many hands we would shake if we gave everyone in our class a hand shake. Then we thought about how many we would shake if we only shook one person’s hand in a learning pair. Children used resources and worked together to problem solve. 

Year 1 Story Map

At the end of the term we learnt the story of the Little Red Hen. The children spent time learning the story from a story map, drew their own and then recounted the story.

Problem Solving in Maths

This week we have been using our problem solving skills in Maths. We worked hard to think of different ways we could use 5 colours for 3 balloons. We have also been looking at comparing numbers and using vocabulary such as; more than, less than, greatest, least and as many as.