Year 2 – Flight

Year 2 have kick started their ‘History of Flight’ unit with a whole day of flight related activities. The children made hot air balloons, had a paper areophane competition and even took a trip on Queen’s Hill Airlines! They will be learning all about aviation in History and English lessons this half term.

Year 2 Kite Festival

This morning Year 2 tested out their kites in their very own Kite Festival. There was some very successful flying and some kites that needed a few repairs along the way! The children had a great time and were able to talk about why the materials they had chosen were a good choice for a kite or not.

School Council Christmas Bauble Project

Back in November, the School Council decided to buy every child a clear bauble to design and decorate ready for Christmas. Each year group chose their own designs and have been busy over the last few weeks creating them.

In Year 1, children filled their baubles with Christmas sequins and they decorated the outside.

In Year 2, children turned their baubles into reindeer and used them to decorate the Christmas trees in their classrooms!

In Year 3, the children turned their baubles into snow globes, complete with snowmen inside.

In Year 4, the children used lots of glitter and glue to decorate the outside of their baubles.

In Year 5, they used tissue paper and glue to create a textured bauble which they filled with yummy treats!

And finally, in Year 6, the children filled the inside of the baubles with glitter, then used white pen to create patters on the outside.

We think they all look amazing! A great big thank you to the School Council for organising this for everyone.

Year 2 – Science

This half term Year 2 have been exploring everyday materials and their suitability for different purposes. After testing the materials, they designed and made their own kites ready to test them next week in our Year 2 Kite Festival.

Year 2 – Writing

For the last couple of weeks Year 2 have been investigating a crime that happened in their classrooms! They were reading the book ‘I Want My Hat Back’ in English and then made there own hats but one night after school a hat went missing. The children used the clues left in the crime scene by the thief to work out who their main suspects were. They then wrote questions to ask the eye witnesses and suspects to help them gather even more evidence. After a careful investigation they were able to identify the thieves and find the missing hats. The children have written detailed crime scene reports of their investigation to tell the other teachers all about this shocking event!

Year 2 – Design and Technology

After comparing the United Kingdom and China in Geography, Year 2 have spent the beginning of this half term learning about Chinese Dragons that are used in parades. They have also learnt about wheels and axels and how these components help to make a vehicle move. The children have combined this knowledge to design and make their own version of a Chinese Dragon that is able to pulled along in a parade.

Year 2 – RE

This half term Year 2 have been looking at why light is important for different religions. This week the children have learnt about Diwali and why light is important to Hindus. The children learnt about the story of Rama and Sita and how Hindus decorate with Rangoli patterns and Diya Lamps. They then went outside to create their own Rangoli patterns.

Year 2 – Geography

This half term in Year 2 the children have started their Geography unit comparing the UK to China. So far they have looked at famous landmarks in both countries and learnt some key facts about both places. First, working together in groups, the children compared and sorted information about Norwich and Shanghai. Then they investigated different methods of travelling from ancient times and modern times in both places and designed their own Chinese Palanquin using traditional patterns.

Year 2 and 5 Buddies

This afternoon Year 2 and Year 5 enjoyed spending some time with their buddies. They spent part of the afternoon reading stories to each other and had a great time.

Colours of Queen’s Hill

Our amazing teaching team have been painting self-portraits after school today for our Colours of Queen’s Hill art project. They’ll be going on display in the main entrance next week.

The Colours of Queen’s Hill is a wonderful art project for our whole-school community, where everyone will be creating their own self-portrait to celebrate individuality and diversity, inspired by the work of artist Angélica Dass.