Making shapes

Year 2 have been busy learning about the properties of shapes. We saw so many wonderful photos from the children at home and here are some photos of the children at school creating shapes. They were being brilliant mathematicians by explaining how to count the sides.

We are so excited to welcome all of you back into school next week for lots of fun and learning and time with your friends and teachers!

Den building

Year 2 children have enjoyed outdoor learning, making mini dens using natural materials and resources. We saw brilliant creativity and imagination as well as super team work!

“I’m trying to make a roof so it can be stable. I thought this could be a washing line.”

“This is keeping it up by the peg. The line is keeping it tight so it stays up. That (stone) is going to be the door so we can open and close it.”

“We’re trying to make a trap. That’s a camera that can turn into a TV.”

Being creative in Year 2

This week, we learned about how light is important to Hindus and Jewish people. We learned all about the festival of Diwali and we created our own diva lamps. We also learned about Judaism and the history of Hanukkah and created our own menorah. We thought about what materials we could use to create each and had fun using salt dough to mould our diva lamps. Once they were cooked and set, we chose bright colours and glitter to make them eye catching.

Making a hedgehog home!

This week, Year 2 received a letter from ‘Henry the hedgehog’. He asked us for some help to build a waterproof home with transparent windows. We had fun putting on our scientific hats to spend time testing out various materials to see which we thought would be most suitable for him. After our research, we had a go at building him a home using materials of our choice.

Where we live…

This week we have been Geographers learning about where we live. We have looked at maps to see where we live and learnt that we live on a continent called Europe. It was fun looking at a birds eye view map of our school – we spotted the muga and our playground!

We then enjoyed creating our own birds eye view map of our classroom. We challenged ourselves to include a key on our maps.

Week 7 – Magic mixtures!

During outdoor learning this week, Les Grenouilles wrote poems about magic mixtures. We used natural materials like red autumn leaves and prickly conker cases to help us imagine interesting ingredients.

Week 6 – making aeroplanes

This week, we made paper aeroplanes and learned about the forces that keep paper aeroplanes and real aeroplanes in the air. We also experimented to see if changing the shape of the wings affected how well our aeroplanes fly. We enjoyed testing how our paper planes flew!

Check out our amazing paper aeroplanes…

Year 2 Week 5 – Leaf art

We created art using leaves we found on our trip to the woods. By thinking carefully about the colours and patterns we saw on the forest floor, we tried to recreate this in our art. Once we had made our paintings, we looked at our class friends art work and spoke about what we noticed and liked.