Card Game Club!

This week we started our club and we learned to play ‘Go Fish’. The children picked the game up so quickly! Looking forward to next week.

Drama in Year 2

Year 2 have been exploring the character of Beegu from the story by Alexis Deacon. The children looked at various pictures from the book and imagined how the character might have been feeling when she encountered unfamiliar things in an unfamiliar world. We discussed the vocabulary and then created freeze frames to bring these feelings to life. The children were able to describe how they were feeling in the scenes they created, explaining why they might have felt like this.

Computing – Making Music

Today, the children learnt how to make music digitally using the Purple Mash program ‘2Sequence’. During the lesson children worked in pairs on ipads whilst exploring, editing and combining sounds using 2Sequence. It was great to listen to what music each pair composed!

Outdoor learning

Year 2 have been enjoying lots of learning outdoors! We had fun outdoors this week searching for signs of spring with Miss Geschke. Each class wrote a collaborative piece of poetry inspired by the nature trails.

Stick insects and 3D shapes

It has been so wonderful to have the children back in school this week and they have showed just how resilient they are by getting stuck straight into learning. This week we have enjoyed learning about animals and how they adapt to where they live – below are some photos of our camouflaged stick insects! The children really thought about the mix of colours they used, instead of one block colour. We have also been learning about 3D shapes and had a go at making some, using straws to help us to count the edges.

Making shapes

Year 2 have been busy learning about the properties of shapes. We saw so many wonderful photos from the children at home and here are some photos of the children at school creating shapes. They were being brilliant mathematicians by explaining how to count the sides.

We are so excited to welcome all of you back into school next week for lots of fun and learning and time with your friends and teachers!

Den building

Year 2 children have enjoyed outdoor learning, making mini dens using natural materials and resources. We saw brilliant creativity and imagination as well as super team work!

“I’m trying to make a roof so it can be stable. I thought this could be a washing line.”

“This is keeping it up by the peg. The line is keeping it tight so it stays up. That (stone) is going to be the door so we can open and close it.”

“We’re trying to make a trap. That’s a camera that can turn into a TV.”