Week 4 – A Trip to the Woods!

This week, we walked to the local woods. We had so much fun exploring! We chose our favourite leaves to use for some art work at school, worked with our partner to build a house/hotel for a bug or small animal, built stick towers, wrote our names using natural resources and went on a scavenger hunt for different types of objects.

Week 3 – Year 2 Forest Schools

Year 2 children had great forest school sessions with Ms Geschke this week! The children searched for and collected natural resources to make a picture of their choice. They put on their creative crowns and made a range of different images including eagles, stick men, butterflies and cheetahs! 

Week 2 – planting seeds

We had a wonderful time this week planting our own seeds. We chose somebody at home to give it to as a gift and made a special note to go with it. If you were the lucky person who received the seed as a gift, we hope you enjoy it! Ask the children to remind you how to look after your seed to help it grow.

Welcome to our Year 2 blog!

Welcome to our Year 2 blog! Please check in weekly to see what we have been up to at school.
What a brilliant first week back! The grownups have been so impressed at the resilience shown by all of the children in the way they have returned to school during such unique circumstances. We have spent time focusing on how we can all do our bit to help keep everybody safe, whilst catching up with our friends and doing lots of fun learning!

In Maths, we have been ordering numbers and using our knowledge of tens and ones to help us count amounts to 100. Our topic is all about plants and we will be sending home a seed with each child for them to use their expertise to look after and grow! 

Please check your Seesaw accounts weekly, as that is where all home learning activities will be posted this year. Your login is the same as it was last year but if you have any trouble, please contact us. 
The Year 2 team