Year 3 Maths

Year 3 have explored equal and unequal parts as well as parts of a whole in maths this week as part of their Unit Fraction work.

Today, we explored ‘if X is a part, what could the whole be if the whole has X equal parts?’

We enjoyed investigating, have a look at some of our work!

Year 3 History

Year 3 enjoyed recapping their learning about Ancient Egypt ahead of their trip to Norwich Castle this week.

They created their own cartouches out of clay and used hieroglyphics to decorate and write their names.

Science Assembly

Today we had a visit from Mad Scientist, Dr D.N.A. who talked to us about various inventors and different types of forces. We watched and took part in air pressure experiments using a Bernoulli balloon. We blew up a balloon with only one puff! We also watched as Dr. D.N.A controlled a huge inflatable football in the air with her industrial ‘hair dryer’! We ended our science show by learning about static electricity. We used a Van de Graaff generator to create static energy. We even managed to create sparks and pass on static electricity from one person to another!

Year 3 English

As part of our English learning, Year 3 have been looking at the story ‘Greta and the Giants’.

Today, they enjoyed making their own placards about saving the planet and loved shouting outside Mr Cross’ office!

Music Assembly

Today, KS2 had a special visitor to show them brass instruments.

They were able to find out what makes a brass instrument different to others, how the tubing and size of instrument affects the sound and range as well as ask lots of questions!

What a brilliant opportunity!

Year 3 Bird Box making!

All of year 3 had a great time today making bird boxes! They had to show teamwork skills and grit and determination!

The children were excited to use hammers and nails! Look at our amazing work!

Local Author Visit

To mark the end of world book week, Miss Hicks organised for local author, Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward, to join our school for the day. He visited all of the classrooms today, to read his story and inspire others to write their own book. Nigel’s books: Freddie’s Impossible Dream and What’s That? were illustrated by his son Robbie, who was 8 years-old when he drew the pictures for their first book. The books are about the power of imagination, chasing your dreams and never giving up.

A big thank you to Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward for joining us. You can find out more about his books on his website:

Year 3 Fun!

What a week we have had in Year 3!

We have enjoyed looking in more detail at ‘somebody swallowed Stanley’ focusing on similes. We have also been consolidating our column subtraction knowledge, learning about sustainability, including looking at mini models, performing our own raps which we composed on Shrove Tuesday and even dressed up for World Book Day!

Have a look at some of the things we got up to.