Year 3 Creativity

As part of English and topic, Year 3 are looking at how we can look after our planet.

Today, we read the story ‘someone swallowed Stanley’ and made our own kites out of old plastic bags. We had so much fun flying them at breaktime!

Safer Internet Curriculum Day

Mr. James organised a whole-school curriculum day today. It started with an assembly all about how to keep safe online, then year groups completed lessons on topics including how stop bullying online, the impact of technology on sleep and what to do if you feel like something isn’t right online. In the afternoon, our KS2 classes joined up with their buddy classes in Reception, Year 1 and 2 and helped them create safer internet day posters to put up around our school.

Reception and Y3 Buddies

This morning, children from Reception and Y3 met to share their learning. Y3 children shared their non-chronological reports on the Ancient Egyptians, while Reception children shared their learning about Iceland and New Zealand.

Year 3 then sang their song ‘Amazing Egyptians’ to their buddies, along with the actions. A great time was had by all!

Y3 Les Herissons’ Writing

Les Herissons (and all of Year 3) have loved learning about the Ancient Egyptians.
Look at these amazing non-chronological reports they have produced in writing!
They have so much knowledge and we are all so proud of them.

Year 3 Science

Today we looked at what our bodies need in order to survive. As part of this, we looked at the Eatwell plate and grouped foods into the correct groups.

We learnt that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.

Year 3 Outdoor Learning

Year 3 enjoyed learning about garden birds this morning. Many of them said they found it relaxing to listen to birdsong while they sketched and bird watched.  Here are a few photos.

Year 3 History

Year 3 are enjoying learning about the Ancient Egyptians.

We learnt about artefacts and tried to use our knowledge of hieroglyphics to help us look at the artefacts in detail!