Year 4 Christingles

Year 4 discussed different Christian Christmas symbols and their meanings to Christians.The children then made their own Christingles. 

Aztec artwork

Year 4 have been busy in their art lessons this week, creating their own Aztec-inspired artwork using oil pastel and watercolour.

First Week in Year 4

In our first week in Year 4, we have been working hard to remember to show respect when others are talking. We remember to look at the person who is speaking and wait our turn to speak. We know not to interrupt and to respect each other’s opinions and contributions. 
Also in year 4, we have begun learning a fun, new times table song to help us learn our 7x tables. 

It is sung to the tune of Katy Perry’s, ‘Firework’ song and by learning the lyrics, we are also learning our 7 x table!

Do you ever feel,
To be completely frank,
When you’re asked a sum,
That your mind goes blank?
Do you ever feel,
That’s no way to think?
Numbers going wild
You can’t find the link
Did you know that you
Can make a lyric pay?
Fire up your brain
Ignite the light to lead the way
There’s no need to blank
And this song’s to thank
It’s our 7 x table, yes, you are able to know,
That 7 1s are 7
Thank heaven I’ve seen
That 7 2s are 14 yeah!
That’s done!
7 3s are 21
And we’ve just begun!
Baby you’re alight and wait
You’re suddenly aware that 7 4s are 28
Keep your brain a-alive
7 times 5 is 35
35 plus 7, I’ve got a clue
I know that 7 6s are 42
You think that this is hard
Well I’m feeling fine
7 times 7 is 49
My quick fix,
7 8s are clearly 56
And this next one I will give for free
Did you know that 7 9s are 63?
Now we’ve reached the top,
I will sing it slow,
10 times 7 well…7-0-0-0
Next one is a buzz
I will go insane
11 7s is 7 then 7 a-again!
Baby live it up – yeah you want some more
The last one in the list is 84
Come on all the girls and all the boys
Sing it with your heart and make some noise