Year 4 Roman Catapults

This week, Year 4 have been learning about the history of the catapult and have made their own version of Roman style catapults.

They used their measuring skills to measure the wood accurately, then used junior hacksaws to cut the wood to the correct lengths. Next, they used hot glue guns to join all of their pieces together, complete with elastic bands to create the tension.

Each class then had an opportunity to try out their catapults against mini figurines. A great time was had by all!

We are so proud of all the teamwork and grit and determination that was shown throughout the week.

Y4 Science – The Digestive System

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 4 have been learning all about the human digestive system. They have learnt the names of the different organs that support digestion and what happens to food at each stage.

Yesterday, Year 4 demonstrated the digestive system using bananas, Weetabix, scissors, tights and more..! Have a look at some of the photos below!

Making Musicians!

Some KS2 pupils went with Miss Peek and Miss Forrest to Norwich Cathedral for a music recital this afternoon.

They were able to enjoy a short concert featuring piano, french horn and violin. The children heard a range of music and were even able to ask questions.

Thank you to Norwich School for hosting.

KS2 Music

A big thanks to Norwich High School for visiting KS2 music assembly today.

The children participated in a singing workshop before listening to a flute, French horn, clarinet, piano, saxophone, vocal and African percussion recital.

Everyone loved hearing the range of instruments. Thank you!

Year 4 Music

Year 4 enjoyed using the boom whackers to learn different songs. They even got to perform in KS2 celebration assembly.

They were able to think about different notes and dynamics.

Siobhain O’Higgins – Grand Piano

Children across the school were given the opportunity to join Siobhain O’Higgins playing her Grand Piano on zoom today.

Children were able to listen live to different pieces, think about how it made them feel and what they could picture in their heads and see how the piano actually works!

Colours of Queen’s Hill

Our amazing teaching team have been painting self-portraits after school today for our Colours of Queen’s Hill art project. They’ll be going on display in the main entrance next week.

The Colours of Queen’s Hill is a wonderful art project for our whole-school community, where everyone will be creating their own self-portrait to celebrate individuality and diversity, inspired by the work of artist Angélica Dass.

Y4 Litter Pickers

This week in Year 4, we took to the streets of Queen’s Hill on a mission to clean it up! We have started a project this half term, learning about the changes that have happened in the local area in our Geography lessons. We have also linked this to our Science learning this half term, about the positive and negative impact that humans have on their local area.