Year 4 Music

Year 4 enjoyed using the boom whackers to learn different songs. They even got to perform in KS2 celebration assembly.

They were able to think about different notes and dynamics.

Siobhain O’Higgins – Grand Piano

Children across the school were given the opportunity to join Siobhain O’Higgins playing her Grand Piano on zoom today.

Children were able to listen live to different pieces, think about how it made them feel and what they could picture in their heads and see how the piano actually works!

Colours of Queen’s Hill

Our amazing teaching team have been painting self-portraits after school today for our Colours of Queen’s Hill art project. They’ll be going on display in the main entrance next week.

The Colours of Queen’s Hill is a wonderful art project for our whole-school community, where everyone will be creating their own self-portrait to celebrate individuality and diversity, inspired by the work of artist Angélica Dass.

Y4 Litter Pickers

This week in Year 4, we took to the streets of Queen’s Hill on a mission to clean it up! We have started a project this half term, learning about the changes that have happened in the local area in our Geography lessons. We have also linked this to our Science learning this half term, about the positive and negative impact that humans have on their local area.

Y4 Maths Time Games

We’re back with a bang in year 4! This week we have started a new unit of work in Maths. We are learning about time. We have started by recapping our learning from previous years including years, months and weeks. Today, we started to tell the time from a clock beginning with o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. We played a game to help us embed our knowledge.

We are Proud to be a ‘Good’ School

I am delighted to inform you that we have retained our ‘good’ judgement by Ofsted in our recent inspection.

There has been a lot of hard work behind the scenes, and I am thrilled that the dedication of our staff and pupils has been recognised. I’m sure you will join me in congratulating everyone who works and volunteers at
our school.

I wanted to draw your attention to some of the excellent feedback we received:

  • Queen’s Hill Primary is a peaceful, well-organised school, where pupils feel safe.
  • Pupils are helped to develop academically and personally in a nurturing environment.
  • Leaders provide a harmonious environment where diversity is valued.
  • Expectations are high for everybody.
  • Staff treat pupils with respect and kindness.
  • Leaders are ambitious for pupils with SEND.
  • Parents appreciate the work of the school staff both in regard to the care they provide and the
  • curriculum on offer.

I also wanted to personally thank everyone who completed Ofsted’s Parent View survey. This is such valuable feedback, and helps us to ensure our school continues to be the best that it can be for our pupils.

Thank you once again for all the support you continue to give the school.
Best wishes,

Mr. Matthew Cross

Y4 Science – Volume and Pitch

Year 4 have continued their investigations into sound and pitch this week! Today, we experimented with different balls to investigate the impact that size and shape would have on the pitch and volume created by the balls.