Y5 Maths Investigations

This week, year 5 have taken part in not one but two maths investigations. On Monday we joined the school maths investigation day and worked using trial and error to find a solution to a problem involving money. On Tuesday, Squirrels were joined by visitors from Isaac Newton who guided them through another investigation.

Y5 D&T

This week in DT, we have been investigating different cam mechanisms in preparation for our cam toy project. We needed to show real grit and determination and great teamwork skills to discover which cams would be the most effective. We are really looking forward to the design and make activities over the next few weeks.

Viking Day Y5

On Monday, we enjoyed our Viking Day. Our visitors from Jormungand Reenactment gave us lots of information about the Vikings which will be useful for our topic throughout the term. We got to ask lots of questions and handle some Viking artefacts which was great fun.

We also explored Viking shields, practised drawing snakes and serpents and created our own shields incorporating our snakes into our designs.

We can’t wait to learn more!

Dancing Raisins Y5

Last week in science we were continuing to explore the properties of materials. We carried out the ‘dancing raisin’ experiment and had great fun watching them! We had to make some predictions, observe closely and consider the reasons for the movement using scientific vocabulary

Y5 Democracy

During our first full week back in school, year 5 have been campaigning for their school council representatives. We learned about democracy and how we keep things fair. The children worked together on their campaigns and made compelling speeches. Well done to all our school councilors who were elected on polling day!


This week, we have been exploring sun safety. In RHE, we have been learning about how to keep safe in the sun and the effects of UV rays. In science, we learnt about processes involved with testing sunscreen and used UV beads to test the effectiveness of sunscreens with different factors. It helped us to understand the importance of wearing sun cream.