Year 5 Ancient Greeks

We have hit the ground running this week and got stuck into our new learning about the Ancient Greeks! We enjoyed getting outside to create a scaled timeline of history from the present day back to the Hellenic Age on Tuesday, and have since been working with extracts from Homer’s classic text: The Odyssey. Through topic sessions, we have started drawing comparisons between ancient and modern Greece.

Next week we will develop our learning about negative numbers (again, applying this to scales) and will begin creating play scripts to bring Odysseus’ epic journey to life.

Year 5 Eco Houses

We have enjoyed constructing our eco-houses from 3D nets this week, these have allowed us to put our mathematical and artistic skills to the test. We will soon be completing a piece of writing to explain our decisions behind the designs and features that we have chosen. We’re looking forward to displaying all of our hard work in a few weeks’ time…

Danger-Us Club Visit Climbing Wall

Danger-Us club visited Norfolk’s highest climbing wall at the OPEN on Wednesday 13th February. We had the wall to ourselves for an hour and the coaching of an amazing instructor. We can’t wait to go back!