Reading in KS2

This term we’ve teamed up with Collins e-books to offer all year 5 and 6 pupils free access to the whole-range of banded books online. You should shortly find a sticker in your school diary, which will list your personal login details for the platform. Follow the video below, as Mr. Cross shows you how to login to the reading platform from home.

Year 6 Artwork

Year 6 have created some amazing artwork – take a look at their display!

Transfer to Secondary School

The transfer to Secondary School admission round is now open and closes on 31 October 2020. Please follow the link below to find further guidance regarding the process.

We strongly recommend that you look at a variety of schools to help you to make informed choices. Secondary Schools often hold information events and Open Evenings; as yet we are unsure what provision will be made for this academic year in light of the Covid-19 outbreak. We suggest families keep an eye on the High School’s websites and will inform you of any further information we receive from Secondary Schools.

Christmas Cards

Today in Year 6 we have been creating our own Christmas cards in our French lesson using watercolour paints. We experimented with colour and line. 

Year 6 Learn about the general election

In Year 6 today we have been learning about the 2019 General Election. We spent some time looking at the manifestos of different parties and then have applied our measuring skills to build our own rosettes to wear when we visit our own polling station here at school on Thursday. We had to measure out the size of the ribbons for our rosettes and also used a compass to accurately draw a circle to match a given criteria (a certain diameter). 

Year 6 Cafe

Thank you so much to our Y6 pupils and their families for attending our Advent Pyjama Party Cafe! We read a Christmas story wore our pyjamas, had hot chocolate and made our own Christmas decorations from recycled paper.