Year 6 had an absolutely fantastic trip to Norwich International Aviation Centre to take part in an activity on Tuesday 19th November. We took part in a number of STEM sessions including: paper plane design, robot coding, team building and designing an ejector seat for an egg! It was fabulous to see so many children shine with their creativity and enthusiasm for science and engineering tasks. Thank you so much to all of the RAF volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to make the day happen for us.
Year 6 Blog
Remembrance Service
Today we marked remembrance day with a whole school service led by our year 6 pupils. We were joined by members of the community, ex-servicemen who work in our school and our school governing body.
Careers Fair
Friday 1st November Year 5 and 6 attended our school careers fair. This invent was well attended by local business and some parents in the profession of engineering, photography and hairdressing also supported the event. We had John Innes – science, Intel – computing, Norse – catering, Kerrison Toys – retail, Aviation Academy and Rotary Club members talking about management positions.
Photos from the event are on display in Aspiration Ally and the children wrote on leaves their future career aspirations which are on display on the Aspiration Tree outside at the visitors entrance.

Year 6 Pizza Express Recognition Trip
Today a group of Year 6 pupils went to Pizza Express. As part of the morning, the children worked alongside one of the chefs to learn how to make pizza and also developed their understanding of food hygiene. These children were selected to go on the trip as they have gone ‘over and above’ in their learning both at home and at school throughout the Spring Term. Well done and we hope you enjoyed eating the pizzas!
Year 6 The Arrival
In English today we started our new unit in English studying the book The Arrival. We had to think about who the characters in the image were and write questions that we would ask them. Mrs White and Mrs Andrews then went ‘in to role’ and we had a chance to ask them these questions.

Art in Year 6
Following our trip to the Sainsbury’s Centre, Year 6 have been printing patterns inspired by African art onto paper. We will use this paper to build up an image of African clothing. – Maison
We have been inspired by looking at traditional African clothing and cloths. We have created our own stamps. – Nadia