Crucial Crew

Year 6 had the chance to learn vital skills through the ‘Crucial Crew’ safety programme during their visit to The Space today. They had workshops from partners including: Norfolk Constabulary, Road Safety, RNLI, St Johns Ambulance and HM Coast Guard. Children found out about staying safe in a fun and interactive way so they feel confident to recognise hazards and know how to safely respond. We were very proud of how engaged children were throughout the sessions.

Thorpe Park!

Year 6 had a great time at Thorpe Park for their very well-deserved end of SATS treat! The children were so excited and were fearless going on some very thrilling rides. We were so proud of how they represented the school too.

Good Luck Year 6!

Next week our amazing Year 6 pupils take part in their end of Key Stage 2 SATs. We couldn’t be more proud of how hard they have worked in preparation. Each and every one of them has shown so much grit and determination and they have all had such wonderfully positive attitudes. The progress they have made, regardless of what happens next week, has been exceptional. A huge good luck to everyone, however, remember this is just one week in the learning journey so far and all we can ask is that they try their best. Have a lovely, restful weekend, enjoy the sunshine and we look forward to welcoming our Year 6’s to SATs Breakfast on Monday.

We think this poem sums it up perfectly!

SATs don’t measure sports,
SATs don’t measure art,
SATs don’t measure music,
Or the kindness of your heart.

SATs don’t see your beauty,
SATs don’t know your worth,
SATs don’t see the reasons,
You were put upon this Earth.

SATs don’t see your magic,
How you make others smile,
SATs don’t time how quickly,
You can run a mile.

SATs don’t hear your laughter,
Or see you’ve come this far,
SATs are just a tiny glimpse,
Of who you really are.

So sitting at your table,
With a pencil and your test,
Remember SATs aren’t who you are,

Year 6 Art

Year 6 have created some wonderful collages inspired by the work of Gustav Klimt. His work included lots of symbolism and used a wide variety of subjects including people and landscapes. Klimt’s paintings also incorporated gold leaf and were very intricate. Year 6 chose elements from a range of Klimt’s work to incorporate into their own design. They then chose different materials and textures to layer onto their collages in colours typical to his style.

We have been very impressed with children’s creativity and concentration throughout the project!

Investigating Voltage

Year 6 have been thinking scientifically when investigating voltage, specifically what happens to components as the voltage of the cell or battery is increased. Children worked effectively to set up a fair test, consider the variables in their experiment and draw conclusions from what they observed.

Writing in Year 6

This week, Year 6 have been starting to plan their discursive RE writing to answer the question, ‘Creation or Science: conflicting or complementary?’ Classes began to unpick the structure of the writing and considered lots of elements in order to make the piece cohesive. Children concentrated very effectively to discuss the purpose and audience, the effect they want to have on the reader, the grammatical and punctuation features they need to include and the topic-specific vocabulary. All their ideas are on the classroom working walls to reference throughout the unit. Children also began to think about the main ideas to include in the introduction and worked collaboratively to shared write this section using great communication.

Outdoor Learning in Year 6

Over the past two weeks Year 6 have been learning about butterflies. They all had some great questions and wanted to learn more about different species of butterflies! Children had a trail quiz to complete and were challenged to find out the answers to their questions. Upon their trail, they found a peacock butterfly in the grass. They were able to get really close up to it and see the beautiful colours of its wings. Some children even got to hold it! 

Mayan Prints in Year 6

This week in Art, Year 6 created brilliant Mayan prints. Inspired by the geometric shapes and repeating patterns used by the Maya people, children first made cardboard tiles and glued on their designs using string. They then painted the string on the tile and pressed down onto their piece of paper using a variety of colours. We were impressed by their creativity and concentration during this process!

Year 6 Careers Fair

Yesterday we welcomed visitors from a range of companies to help host our annual careers fair. Year 6 pupils got to ask questions to different professionals including: a nurse, a midwife and an engineer, to name but a few! Thank you so much to everyone who gave up their time to help our pupils find out more about future career options.

Peer teaching in Year 6

Year 6 demonstrated fantastic teamwork and communication when peer teaching in their English lesson. This lesson was all about working together and generating vocabulary for our suspense narrative based on ‘The Curse of the Maya’. Children also came up with lots of figurative language for the main character’s senses. Each group moved around the room and added ideas or improved what was already there. The ‘Pupil Paparazzi’ then went and collected excellent examples that they wanted everyone to notice. Well done Year 6!