
At Queen’s Hill Primary School, we strive for excellence in Geography. The study of geography at Queen’s Hill stimulates an interest in and a sense of wonder about places.  This happens as soon as you enter the school...

Our rationale for both the topics covered and the teaching strategies used is to enable young people make sense of a complex and dynamically changing world. It explains where places are, how places and landscapes are formed, how people and their environment interact, and how a diverse range of economies, societies and environments are interconnected.

From the Foundation stage and Key stage one we ensure that the children have an understanding of themselves in their own locality and can relate this to the rest of the world. This is achieved by using world maps, getting to know each child and their links across the globe, teaching subject specific vocabulary and undertaking local field work.

In Key stage 2 children continue with the fieldwork as an essential element of their studies while extending their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area which includes European countries and North and South America. They will explore a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features such as rivers, volcanoes and natural disasters.

By the end of KS2 our aim is that all children are able to confidently navigate around the world using atlas, maps and digital technology and be able to use geographical vocabulary to explain human and physical differences of countries from around the world in readiness for their secondary education and more importantly to succeed as global citizens!  At a time when topics such as climate change, water availability, natural resources are as important as ever.  These example are much easier understood  by those who know geography well. We believe that geography delivered in this way will help children to maximise their potential and become successful and happy learners.

Subject in Action


Year 4 polar explorer visit

Today year 4 were excited to have a visit from polar explorer Adrian Hall. He spoke to us about his expeditions, showed us all the equipment he packed in his rucksack and shared lots of photos at the start of the day. After this, he worked outside with every class, teaching them about map reading … Read more


Year 3 Castle Trip

Year 3 had a fantastic day at Norwich Castle. They were able to consolidate and further their Ancient Egyptian knowledge. They enjoyed exploring artefacts, seeing a mummy and creating their own Egyptian jewellery. The children were safe, ready and respectful and asked some super questions. Well done Year 3!


Year 3 and Reception Buddies

Year 3 had a great afternoon with their reception buddies on Thursday. They were able to ask about their learning this half term and then share their own fantastic Egyptian non-chronological reports. They have worked so hard on them and it was great to celebrate success!

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Deserts and Valentine’s day

This week we have been learning about the Desert and the celebration of Valentine’s day. We learnt about what animals live in the desert and why it is so difficult to live there. We also learnt about how people celebrate Valentine’s day and we made cards for our loved ones.


Mayan printing

This week in Art, Year 6 created brilliant Mayan prints. Inspired by the geometric shapes and repeating patterns used by the Maya people, children first made cardboard tiles and glued on their designs using string. They then painted the string on the tile and pressed down onto their piece of paper using a variety of … Read more


The Polar Regions

This week in Reception we explored the Polar Regions. We learnt about which animals live in the North or South pole and what it is like there. We spent the week playing with polar region toys, creating artwork and we watched our teachers do an experiment with string, ice and salt!

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Lunar New Year

This week in Reception we have been learning about the celebration of ‘Lunar New Year’. We learnt about what foods people eat to celebrate and how they decorate using colourful decorations- we even made our own Chinese Lantern. Children explored different resources and really enjoyed learning about this celebration!

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Last week Reception travelled to another destination- the ocean. We learnt about the different oceans in the world and how the temperature of the ocean changes depending on where it is. We learnt about the creatures you can find in and next to the ocean. Children enjoyed exploring the water trays and creating some ocean … Read more


The Rainforest

We travelled to the Jungle in Reception last week. We learnt about the environment there and the animals that live there. The children played with jungle animals, made parrots and jungle inspired pictures.