
At Queen’s Hill Primary School, we strive for excellence in Geography. The study of geography at Queen’s Hill stimulates an interest in and a sense of wonder about places.  This happens as soon as you enter the school...

Our rationale for both the topics covered and the teaching strategies used is to enable young people make sense of a complex and dynamically changing world. It explains where places are, how places and landscapes are formed, how people and their environment interact, and how a diverse range of economies, societies and environments are interconnected.

From the Foundation stage and Key stage one we ensure that the children have an understanding of themselves in their own locality and can relate this to the rest of the world. This is achieved by using world maps, getting to know each child and their links across the globe, teaching subject specific vocabulary and undertaking local field work.

In Key stage 2 children continue with the fieldwork as an essential element of their studies while extending their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area which includes European countries and North and South America. They will explore a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features such as rivers, volcanoes and natural disasters.

By the end of KS2 our aim is that all children are able to confidently navigate around the world using atlas, maps and digital technology and be able to use geographical vocabulary to explain human and physical differences of countries from around the world in readiness for their secondary education and more importantly to succeed as global citizens!  At a time when topics such as climate change, water availability, natural resources are as important as ever.  These example are much easier understood  by those who know geography well. We believe that geography delivered in this way will help children to maximise their potential and become successful and happy learners.

Subject in Action


Roman Day in Year 4

In Year 4, we started Week 3 with a Roman day, to introduce our new topic. The children and adults came to school dressed as Romans. We had Roman themed lessons all day, including making Roman shields, Roman numerals, gladiator top trumps cards and our own chariot race! Here are the children using their handmade … Read more


60’s Disco

In Year 1 we have begun our new topic of old and new toys. We are focusing on what toys and life were like in the 1960’s. We had a disco to help us get a feel of the 60s. We had a great time dancing and listening to The Beatles on Mrs Carpenter’s record … Read more


Year 3- Topic Introduction

Year 3 found out all about the topics they would be learning this year. Look at these amazing Stonehenge creations, made from resources around the classroom.


Anglo-Saxons in Year 4

In Year 4, we kicked off the new half term with a trip! We went to West Stow, a reconstruction of an Anglo-Saxon village. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and learnt lots from experts in the field. When we returned to school, we used our experience to write a recount of the day.


Stone Age Day in Year 3!

Today, Year 3 have been learning all about their new history topic of The Stone Age. They have looked at the stone age diet, the stone age number system and created their own cave paintings.

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Ancient Greece Launch

To launch our new history topic Y5 cooked up a storm. They made Melomakarona, Chicken Yiro wraps with Tzatziki, Ancient Greek pancakes (these did not go so well) and a Greek salad. We came together to celebrate and share in the feast that was lovingly prepared. It was all very delicious and not even a … Read more