
At Queen's Hill we believe that all children should have a passion for languages. We believe that learning a language provides a child with some of the most valuable educational, social and cultural experiences to equip them for their future. Languages help the children to develop their communication skills including key speaking and listening skills to extend their knowledge of how language works. Learning another language gives children a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others. In other words, languages broaden your mind and form a part of your identity where you can be at home anywhere.

At Queen’s Hill Primary School, we have specialist teachers who give teachers without the language skills the confidence to teach and inspire students to learn and share languages. We use Languagenut to engage the children and to teach accurate pronunciation and spelling. The children can practise and apply new skills at school and at home to further their passion of languages. We strive to use languages across the curriculum to promote a love for languages.

Subject in Action


Mandarin in Year 6

Year 6 enjoyed playing a game in their Mandarin lesson this week and keeping score, noting down the correct Chinese characters!

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Lunar New Year

This week in Reception we have been learning about the celebration of ‘Lunar New Year’. We learnt about what foods people eat to celebrate and how they decorate using colourful decorations- we even made our own Chinese Lantern. Children explored different resources and really enjoyed learning about this celebration!


Y5 BSL Live Lesson

Year 5 enjoyed joining in with a live BSL lesson today. We learnt how to sign our names, the signs for greetings, animals and family members. 


Y5 Mandarin

This week, in Mandarin, the children had a tasting session and had a go at using chopsticks, to celebrate the Chinese New Year!


Year 6: ‘My World of Languages’

Year 6 have enjoyed beginning to look at languages and their fascinating and fun connections and roots. They have started to see that words and languages from different countries are closely linked and that by looking for clues and cracking codes, understanding other languages is easier than we think!

Year 3 learning the names of fruit in French

French Fruit Salad in Year 3

Year 3 began this term’s French topic on food today using Languagenut to learn the names of fabulous fruits. They extended their language learning to create colourful fruit bowls which they labelled in French! Bien fait tout le monde (well done everyone)!


Y5 Languages

To celebrate Languages Day Y5 explored the Greek alphabet. We learnt that we use lots of Greek words in English today. Some say there are over 150,000 English words that come from Greek words! Once we learnt the Greek alphabet we used it to have fun cracking linguistic codes. When we joined up with our Y2 buddies we … Read more


Year 6 Languages

Year 6 have been using ‘World of Languages, Languages of The World’ resources to discover the fascinating etymology of our days of the week. Children compared our days of the week to French and German days, looking for similarities and differences. We explored and investigated the links between Norse and Roman Gods and thought about … Read more


Year 2 – Languages Curriculum Day

Year 2 have enjoyed learning some British Sign Language today during our Languages Curriculum Day. They learnt how to introduce themselves and fingerspell their name. In the afternoon they shared what they had learnt with their Year 5 buddies.