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Year 2 Writing
This morning the Year 2 children came into their classrooms and found all of their chairs had been taken away! Luckily this week they have been learning how to use their writing skills to persuade someone so they quickly wrote letters and made posters for their teachers to convince them to give their chairs back. … Read more
Year 2 History
This week Year 2 started their History of Flight unit with a trip on Queen’s Hill Airline. They made sure they had their passport and boarding pass ready to go through security and on to the plane. After the safe briefing, they took off and enjoyed excellent service from their cabin crew, in flight entertainment … Read more
School Council Christmas Bauble Project
This year the school council decided to run the Christmas bauble project again. The plastic baubles were very kindly bought by the Friends and each year group chose their own designs and have been busy over the last few weeks creating them. In Reception they decorated wooden baubles with paint, glitter and sequins. In Year … Read more
Year 2 Maths
To finish their work on shapes, Year 2 have been sorting 3D shapes into categories based on the properties they have been learning about. There was lots of great mathematical thinking about faces, edges and vertices!
Y5 DT and Music
We have had such an amazing first term in Year 5! We have been busy designing, making and evaluating our cam toys, learning how to play jingle bells in music, exploring forces and writing fantastic missing chapters for our class text: Viking Boy. We are now experts on all things Viking and fractions are now our … Read more
Year 3 Bauble Project
Year 3 enjoyed creating their baubles this afternoon as part of the school council project. They showed great concentration and creativity skills.
Y1 – Patterns
In Year 1 we have been learning about repeating patterns. We started with shape patterns and then moved onto making patterns with a range of materials. The children enjoyed moving around the classroom and experimenting with different patterns.
Year 4 Roman Catapults
This week all three year four classes have been putting their design and technology skills through their paces building Roman catapult models. The children have been closely supervised measuring, sawing and gluing the different parts together in our final activity from what has been an extremely engaging history topic. There has also been opportunities to … Read more
Year 6 Time & Tide Museum Trip
This week, Year 6 came dressed in WWII themed outfits for their trip to the Time and Tide museum in Great Yarmouth. Their outfits were excellent! They travelled back in time to 1941 when Great Yarmouth was in the thick of the action as a ‘front line town’. They Discovered how the war affected people … Read more