Queen's Hill Vision for PE is to promote the health and well-being of every child, through the holistic development of pupils through positive Physical Activity opportunities for all.
At Queen's Hill we want all children to have a passion for physical activity which will continue into adulthood. We believe that children should have access to high quality lessons that are fun, engaging and will inspire them to lead physically active lives.
Our PE curriculum is inclusive to ensure that pupils of all abilities access the range of activities we offer. Within our PE curriculum, children learn to take responsibility for their own choices and behaviour. We also recognise that children should have the opportunity to participate in competitive sports giving them the prospect of understanding what competition feels like; what it is like to be part of a team; and to be able to both win and lose with equal grace. We pride ourselves on the number of extra – curricular activities available to our children and they can take on leadership roles in which they can build character and embed values such as fairness and respect. At Queen’s Hill we have a full-time PE specialist teacher to further enhance the provision in our subject.

Subject in Action

Year 3 Whitlingham Trip
Year 3 had a fantastic time at Whitlingham Adventure. They tried paddle boarding and canoeing and also completed many different team challenges. The children showed great grit and determination throughout the day and all were safe, ready and respectful. Well done Year 3!

Year 1 sport morning
This week year 1 started practising the different activities that they will complete during our sports morning. The children were really excited to try something new.

Exploring Year 1
Year one have made a fantastic start to the year. They have spent the first week exploring the new outside resources. They have created delicious food in the outdoor kitchen and building hand eye co-ordination playing tennis. Children have enjoyed having a go at writing and phonics is underway!

Year 2 – PE
This half term Year 2 have been enjoying developing their throwing, aiming and agility skills in PE. This week they took part in a carousel of activities to practise what they’ve learnt. They even challenged themselves to adapt the activities to make them trickier!

Year 6 Cricket
Year 6 have been enjoying their weekly cricket sessions through Norfolk Cricket’s ‘Chance 2 Shine programme’ this half term. They have been developing concentration, focus, hand-eye coordination and throwing and catching skills. Today the children focused on the accuracy of their bowling and, with grit and determination, many managed to successfully knock down the wickets!

Big Toddle 2023
What an amazing turn out we had for our Big Toddle Reception Event today! The children were all dressed up in safari outfits and joined in with a range of activities, including balance beams, obstacle courses and throwing and catching races. Thank you to all of the parents and carers for joining us and helping … Read more

Y5 Eaton Vale 2023
We had a fun packed few days at Eaton Vale this year. All the children were amazing and gave everything a go even if they were initially weary. We packed so much in that the photos below do not do it justice but hopefully you will get a snapshot of the lasting memories we built.

Netball Tournament
A huge well done to our Year 6 netball team who took part in a tournament today for the very first time. The girls showed fantastic grit and determination, winning 1 game and drawing the other 4 – what an achievement! Other coaches took the time to comment on how brilliant their passing, teamwork and … Read more