Queen's Hill Vision for PE is to promote the health and well-being of every child, through the holistic development of pupils through positive Physical Activity opportunities for all.
At Queen's Hill we want all children to have a passion for physical activity which will continue into adulthood. We believe that children should have access to high quality lessons that are fun, engaging and will inspire them to lead physically active lives.
Our PE curriculum is inclusive to ensure that pupils of all abilities access the range of activities we offer. Within our PE curriculum, children learn to take responsibility for their own choices and behaviour. We also recognise that children should have the opportunity to participate in competitive sports giving them the prospect of understanding what competition feels like; what it is like to be part of a team; and to be able to both win and lose with equal grace. We pride ourselves on the number of extra – curricular activities available to our children and they can take on leadership roles in which they can build character and embed values such as fairness and respect. At Queen’s Hill we have a full-time PE specialist teacher to further enhance the provision in our subject.

Subject in Action

Girls’ Football @ Goals
This week, some of the girls’ in year 3/4 and 6 got to take part in a football competition. The girls’ played very well with the two teams scoring lots of goals and showing great teamwork. They all had a fantastic time and represented Queen’s Hill very well.

Y5 Curriculum Day
Y5 had a great day celebrating Black History Month. We learnt about the Windrush Generation and what it was like for people at this time, who travelled over to the UK. We read our class reader ‘Windrush Child’ by Benjamin Zephaniah, which the children have been enjoying already this half term. We researched and learnt … Read more

Football Coaching
Some of the Year 3 and 4 children took part in a football session this afternoon. It was great to see their teamwork skills develop and their positive attitude towards helping and supporting each other.

Roundnet Taster Session
Y5 were given the opportunity yesterday to take part in Roundnet taster sessions run by Zero Bounds. The children and teachers absolutely loved the game! It was simple to play and inclusive for all but it was an incredible workout with its fast paced gameplay.
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