Rotakids was started at Queen's Hill in 2021 with twelve Year 5 children. They are linked to the local Rotary Club in Norwich. There is an elected President, Treasurer, Secretary and Press and Publicity as well as a Vice President, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer.

Last year Rotakids achieved:
- Christmas Decorations for St Peter Mancroft’s Church
- Valentines Day Bake Sale - they baked their own goods to sell
- Summer Fayre Raffle stall - the children went on a trip to Longwater Retail Park and collected their own donations from shops, asking managers for donations
- Presented a cheque to EACH, The Nook
We have meetings once per week that follow the same structure as a Rotary Club meeting. We begin by welcoming everyone to the meeting, and we have members from the Rotary Club join us on Tuesday lunchtimes. We also say the Rotakids Pledge to begin every meeting with our goals in mind.
We then discuss our minutes from the last meeting to check if we actioned our projects. We decide on how projects are going and what we would like to achieve to help our community.

This Autumn Term we now have a mixture of Year 5 and Year 6 children, and we already have started a lot of new projects!
- Elected a new President, Secretary and Treasurer and their Vices, and created a Press and Publicity team
- Created a short video that was shown at the Rotary Annual Conference to show all the work that East Anglia’s first Rotakids club achieved last year!
- Rotary Shoebox Appeal - gifting items to Ukrainian Refugees
- Creating our own Christmas decorations from scratch in order to decorate our tree at St Peter Mancroft Church in aid of fundraising for Ukrainian Refugees
- Attending a concert at St Peter Mancroft Church as either singers in the choir or ushers to help with the event on Saturday 10th December
- Received and written back to the Rotakids in Bangor, Wales to start connections with other Rotakids
- Started thinking about fundraising projects we might start in the new year for EACH, The Nook
Rotakids really add to the great work going on at Queens Hill School. The members learn about leadership and management, how to generate ideas and with the help of Rotarians and Teachers how to make their own decisions. All of the projects and actions are carried out by the children.
Rotakids also bring an exciting and practical approach to their support of the citizenship element of the curriculum by committing to make a difference in their local community and also around the world.
In doing this, each Rotakid will enjoy a boost to their confidence and self esteem at a key age, as well as learn new skills and develop an understanding of how their actions can impact on others. This will help to broaden their horizons while making good friends along the way.