Inclusion Leaders
The school has two SENCOs sharing the role of Inclusion Leader. Mrs James and Miss Hicks will be liaising with the families of pupils on our SEND register.
Mrs James oversees the provision in EYFS and KS1; Miss Hicks oversees the provision in KS2. We are here to ensure our school is inclusive for everyone and gives all children the opportunity to thrive and succeed.
Mrs C James (EYFS/KS1) and Miss R Hicks (KS2)
SEND Information Report for Queen’s Hill School and Nursery 2024-2025
Part of the Norfolk Local Offer for Learners with SEND
If you have any specific SEND questions please contact our Inclusion Leaders, Mrs James and Miss Hicks, by phoning 01603 746857 or emailing
Please click on the link below to view the SEND report for Queen's Hill Primary.
Norfolk SEND Local Offer
Websites for Parents and Carers
Just One Norfolk is a service which offers health and well-being support and advice to families, children and young people.

Hungry Little Minds provides advice and ideas for parents and carers who are looking to boost children's communication, language and literacy development.

Norfolk SENDIASS is a dedicated, confidential and impartial service based who offer information, advice and support to children, young people and parents/carers about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Family Voice Norfolk is the parent carer forum for Norfolk. They produce monthly newsletters with local information and advice.

English as an Additional Language - Supporting EAL Learners
Here at Queen’s Hill Primary we are proud to welcome families from a wealth of different cultures and backgrounds and we greatly value the rich diversity of our school community. We strive to recognise and celebrate the 30 different languages spoken by our children.
As part of our celebration of language and culture, the school libraries have bilingual books, multi-language dictionaries and PENpals talking pens which translate books and other resources into numerous different languages. These resources can be accessed by our children in Nursery, all the way up to Year 6!
During their time at our school, our EAL (English as an Additional Language) pupils are closely monitored for their progress in the curriculum and their acquisition of English. We provide a variety of support for our EAL pupils depending on their needs. This includes using visuals, translated materials and intervention support to boost vocabulary and communication as required.
Norfolk SENDIASS provide free and impartial information, advice and support about special educational needs & disabilities (SEND) for children, young people, parents and carers.
Visit their website to subscribe to receive their e-newsletter by email or to view on their webpage.

Equality and Accessibility
Here at Queen's Hill Primary School it is really important to us that all stakeholders (pupils, parents, staff and members of the local community) are consulted and share their voice when developing policies. For us, it is also imperative to consult these stakeholders to promote equality and eliminate discrimination.
Please visit the forms and policies part of our website to view the Equality and Accessibility policy.
SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
To ensure our school is child-centred and gives all children the best educational offer, we use the statutory guidance taken from ‘The SEND Code of Practice: for 0 to 25 years (2015)’ to ensure our provision for children with SEND is appropriate. This document also defines a child with SEND if:
‘A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he/she:
- has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age
- has a disability which prevents or hinders him/her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions’
At Queen’s Hill Primary School and Nursery, we ensure there is provision for pupils with the following areas of need:
Provision for children with SEND at our school is continually reflected upon and adapted through using the graduated approach of assess, plan, do, review. We use Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) to record this termly process.
We use Norfolk’s SEND Local Offer to access provision from professionals outside of school. These include NHS workers, support from charities and the local authority.

Supporting at home
General support websites and information:
Communication and interaction skills and support:
- Speaking and listening activity for home.
- Lego Club ideas for home.
- Bouncy Balls - This is a really fun app that allows you to control the balls with your microphone on your computer. A lovely tool to encourage vocalisations or quiet. Try it here.
- What's in the box attention videos can be found on Molly's YouTube channel.
- PECS have shared some free resource cards and videos of interactive and attention grabbing activities on their website.
Physical and sensory support:
- Many children will learn well when engaged in play. There are some super ideas here.
- Ideas for developing fine motor skills at home.
- Fine motor activity kit - getting the joints in your hands moving ready for writing.
- Accessible sensory activities on 'Jensory' YouTube channel.
- 'Gympanzees' YouTube channel supports physical development skills and activities.
Social and emotional support:
- Autism Anglia have a range of additional resources.
- Child Mind Institute have some information on managing ADHD and anxiety throughout coronavirus.
- It's important to look after ourselves mentally and emotionally.
- Visit the Great Minds Together website where there are a range of helpful links and free downloads, aiming to support social and emotional need during school closure.
- Emotional check in cards.
- Emotions cards.
- Zones of regulation resources.
30 activities for social and emotional learning:
Social and emotional learning outdoor scavenger hunt. Something to try on your daily exercise or in the garden if you have one:
