
Queen's Hill’s vision for science is to equip children with a range of skills and knowledge that will enable them to ask scientifically accurate questions and carry out scientific enquiries in order to learn about our world and how it is changing. Children’s scientific knowledge and skills are built upon each year as they reflect on past topics and key concepts learnt. We feel that it is important that children explore key content from the three disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics and build confidence in applying their skills to conduct scientific experiments. Children will also develop a wide scientific vocabulary that they will be able to apply when discussing new concepts.

At Queen’s Hill, we have developed an exciting curriculum, whereby children are fully immersed in their learning. Children learn to design and conduct practical experiments and evaluate outcomes in order to enable them to ask questions and to find answers. We have an outdoor classroom that all year groups enjoy, and we offer the children the opportunity to use a range of high-quality scientific equipment. In a world that is facing some considerable environmental challenges, we hope at Queen’s Hill we can plant the seed that inspires the next generation of scientists.

We use PLAN primary science resources to support the planning and delivery of our science curriculum

Subject in Action


Y5 Earth and Space

Y5 have started their new Science topic. We have been learning about the planets in our solar system and how theories around the shape of the Earth and the way in which it orbits has changed over time. Excitingly, we also created our very own representation of our solar system using different sized balls and … Read more


F1 Jaguar Club

The three teams have been working each week after school preparing for the F1 Jaguar reginal finals. The children had to design, make, assemble, test and race their cars at the reginal heats. They also had to prepare a presentation about their work. In order to gain sponsorship the children wrote to local businesses and … Read more


Y4 Science Melting and Heating

This week, Year 4 have been learning about changes of state. To understand how a solid can turn into a liquid, we melted milk, white and dark chocolate. We investigated the time if took each one to melt completely, to see if there was a difference in their melting temperatures.


Science Assembly

Today we had a visit from Mad Scientist, Dr D.N.A. who talked to us about various inventors and different types of forces. We watched and took part in air pressure experiments using a Bernoulli balloon. We blew up a balloon with only one puff! We also watched as Dr. D.N.A controlled a huge inflatable football in the … Read more


Science Week UK 2023

We have had a blast for British Science Week 2023. Miss Taylor has created an amazing new display in school and the children have been finding out about chromatography, fingerprinting and magnetics in our special lunchtime science workshops!



We recently had a visit from a veterinary nurse. She spoke to us about how to look after different pets. Year 1 found it very interesting.


Meeting Tilly The Tortoise

Today Mrs Carpenter brought her pet tortoise called Tilly to school. We spent time with Tilly and asked Mrs Carpenter lots of questions to find out about what it is like to have a tortoise as a pet.


Y5 English

This half term we have been reading the story ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. It has been an inspiring book to our young writers and they have produced some amazing work. They were disgusted to hear about the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest so wrote persuasive letters to the Brazilian Ambassador to encourage him to … Read more


Year 4 Iron Men

To finish our ‘Electrify’ topic this half term, we made ‘Iron Men’ with flashing LED lights for eyes. The children used their knowledge about complete circuits to make the eyes. Some even included a home made switch in their circuit so they could make the eyes flash.