
Queen's Hill’s vision for science is to equip children with a range of skills and knowledge that will enable them to ask scientifically accurate questions and carry out scientific enquiries in order to learn about our world and how it is changing. Children’s scientific knowledge and skills are built upon each year as they reflect on past topics and key concepts learnt. We feel that it is important that children explore key content from the three disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics and build confidence in applying their skills to conduct scientific experiments. Children will also develop a wide scientific vocabulary that they will be able to apply when discussing new concepts.

At Queen’s Hill, we have developed an exciting curriculum, whereby children are fully immersed in their learning. Children learn to design and conduct practical experiments and evaluate outcomes in order to enable them to ask questions and to find answers. We have an outdoor classroom that all year groups enjoy, and we offer the children the opportunity to use a range of high-quality scientific equipment. In a world that is facing some considerable environmental challenges, we hope at Queen’s Hill we can plant the seed that inspires the next generation of scientists.

We use PLAN primary science resources to support the planning and delivery of our science curriculum

Subject in Action


It’s a Penguin

It turned out it was a Penguin. It was missing and had got lost at our school so, the year 1 children found out about Penguins. What they are like, their special features and where they live. They created missing posters to help find the Penguin.


Year 1 Autumn Walk

We went on our own adventure today. We spotted lots of signs of Autumn on our walk. When we got back to school we talked about where we had gone and what we had seen. We learnt about time conjunctions to help us retell and then write a recount of our walk.


Year 3 Science

We have been learning about forces in Year 3 and completed an experiment looking at different surfaces today.


Teeth in Year 4

In Science this week, year 4 have been learning about teeth and their basic functions. We used mirrors to look at the shapes and sizes of our own teeth. Then we ate apples and considered the functions of our teeth. Finally, we wrote about the functions of different teeth and labelled them.


Volcanic Eruption in Year 4

In year 4, we are going to be writing a recount about the events that took place when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. To kick start our writing, we reenacted a volcanic eruption and watched a reconstructed animation of Mount Vesuvius erupting over Pompeii. The children were really engaged and took notes about what … Read more


Thunderstorm bottles

In Y5 we have been identifying emotions and discussing how we can manage them. We made ‘Thunderstorm Bottles’ by filling a bottle with water and adding in a range of craft materials and paint. We can then use these whenever we feel angry or anxious about something by shaking the bottle. The swirling water and … Read more


Helicopter seeds!

Year 6 had great fun in their outdoor learning lesson testing out paper helicopter seed models!


Third time is a charm…

It’s the end of week three and Year 6 has settled into their new routines. They have already achieved so much in a short space of time. We finished our Creative Arts Week in which we made from amazing rag rugs in a Make Do and Mend style. We have started learning about WW2 in … Read more


Oobleck fun in Year 6!

To end science week, we spent the afternoon making a non-Newtonian fluid called Oobleck! This fluid is either liquid or solid, depending on the pressure you put on it. The children got into small groups and slowly added water to cornflour until their fluid was the correct consistency. (They also made a huge mess in … Read more