Danger-Us Club go Skiing

Danger-Us club really enjoyed their trip to the slopes at Norfolk Snowsports Centre on Wednesday 10th July – they had the chance to ski from different heights and even competed to see who could do the most tricks!

Year 1 Clay Boats

Today in Year 1 we made our boats out of clay. We had to follow our designs carefully and select appropriate tools to help us. We are so excited to paint them once they dry and can’t wait to show you the finished products!

Year 5 Odysseus Play

We have been engrossed in writing our play script versions of Odysseus’ encounter with the fearsome Cyclops this week, and greatly enjoyed acting some of these out today! We impressed each other with the ways in which we used stage directions to bring our characters to life and moved about our ‘stage’ too.

In maths lessons, we have continued to work with translation and reflection across coordinate planes. We’re now able to tackle this in all four quadrants!

We have also been getting creative with clay to design and make pottery in the style of Ancient Green amphora vases – now we’re looking forward to painting these as soon as they’re dry…

Year 5 Odysseus Play Script

We have spent a lot of time wrestling with the story of Odysseus’ struggle with the cyclops (from Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’) during our English lessons this week, and have begun creating excellent play scripts inspired by this. We have all had to think really hard about the most important events in the story and have carried out a lot of work in the creation of interesting settings and descriptions – using stage directions to help us.

In maths lessons, we have worked well with negative numbers and can confidently order and solve problems with these. This has enabled us to make a great start of our unit of work around coordinates too; some of us have already begun making use of all four quadrants for translation!

Writing Focus

This term we will be looking at ways to support children in evaluating and improving their writing across the school.

We’d really appreciate it if you could complete the attached questionnaire. It helps us to measure the impact these initiatives have both in school and at home.